Privacy policy

Bitcoin Clicker Privacy Policy

Last updated: April 12, 2024

We attach great importance to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use and protect the information you provide to us when using the Bitcoin Clicker application, particularly in relation to Google AdMob advertisements.

Collection of Data for Advertising Purposes

Bitcoin Clicker uses the Google AdMob advertising service to display ads within the application. To enable targeted ad serving, Google AdMob may collect non-personal information, such as device ID, device type, operating system, and usage information. application.

No Collection of Personal Data

Except for information necessary for Google AdMob advertisements, Bitcoin Clicker does not collect any personally identifiable information. We do not collect sensitive information such as your name, email address, phone number, or any other personal information.

Use of Data

The information collected by Google AdMob is used solely for advertising purposes to provide you with more relevant ads based on your use of the application. This information is not used for other purposes and is not associated with personal data.

Control of Personalized Ads

You can control and customize your personalized advertising preferences by visiting Google's privacy settings. To learn more about how Google AdMob uses data for advertising purposes, please see the Google AdMob Privacy Policy.


We take appropriate security measures to protect information collected for advertising purposes. However, please note that information collected by Google AdMob is subject to Google's privacy policy.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time. Any changes will be posted to the Bitcoin Clicker app and the last update date will be noted at the top of this page.

Rules of use

To ensure that your experience is the best possible within our application, we ask that you please respect these few rules. If necessary, we are able to block your withdrawals or modify your balance remotely.

When registering, we will ask you for a nickname. This must be respectful towards the rest of the users and must not contain violent words that could shock or denigrate anyone. We reserve the right to modify it remotely in the event of non-compliance with this rule. Please note that this may be visible to other users if you include the ranking.

A messaging section is available to you so that you can report bugs or ask questions to the development team directly from your application. With this in mind, you are required to take care of your language and not send unnecessary messages.

Finally, if you discover a bug following an update, do not hesitate to send us a message from the messaging system instead of exploiting it. We see all interactions from our console and will quickly detect that you have used a bug to progress faster. This amounts to cheating and we do not tolerate this. We reward users who tell us about their inapp experience so thank you for keeping the app ecosystem honest and caring.

To thank you for reading this entire page, here is a promo code from 200 coins to use whenever you want. "privacy2024"

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or the Bitcoin Clicker application, please contact us at [].

Thank you for using Bitcoin Clicker and trusting us to protect your privacy.