Resource funding

Sensorica affiliates can co-fund material resources: equipment and tools.

Examples of past co-funded resource

Buying an FDM 3D printer

Any Sensorica affiliate had a chance to contribute to purchasing of a 3D printer using a Paypal form. The funds went into the Custodian's back account and were tagged as "Contribute to buy an FDM 3D printer". This initiative was part of the Digital Fab project. This project is the custodian of the FDM 3D printer virtual account, at that moment managed by Tibi. This virtual account was used purchase the 3D printer, and later to collect and allocate funds for the maintenance of the 3D printer. The co-ownership of this 3D printer is governed by THIS co-owners agreement.

By contributing to this 3D printer purchase initiative affiliates were required to sign the latest version of the agreement.

Agreement by ACES/CAKE: ACES/CAKE will only administer the initial fund and the subsequent maintenance fund according to the will of co-owners, as it emanates from their collective processes. ACES/CAKE cannot use the funds in any other way.