Caíque Melo

Department of Social and Political Science

Bocconi University

Email: caique[dot]desantana[at] 

Hello!! Welcome to my website.

I am Caíque Melo, PhD Candidate in Social and Political Science at Bocconi University, PhD Research Fellow at Clean/BAFFI Research Center, and Research Affiliate at GAPPE. My research interests focus on Applied Microeconomics, specifically Political Economy and Development Economics, relying strongly on causal inference methods. 

I also had the chance to work on policy evaluation alongside organizations such as the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry, the Ministry of Education of Brazil, the International Labor Organization, the United Nations, and The World Bank.

You can find my CV here and my research statement here. I also have a (shamefully) neglected Twitter account here.

Please feel free to reach out to me to talk about research and policy work.