Traveller is an exciting seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8 topic-based modules.

This is a course that has been trusted and loved by thousands of teachers and students around the world. Its proven methodology combines solid grammar and vocabulary practice and a thorough preparation in all four essential skills in language learning. Traveller is well-known for helping students build their receptive language skills while systematically developing their productive ones.

Traveller Level B2 Teacher S Book


The opportunity to live overseas with a rewarding job teaching English sounds like a dream to many. Luckily, this lifestyle is available to people of various backgrounds, education levels, and teaching experience.

Some regions like Asia make it fairly straightforward to apply for and receive a visa to live and teach abroad. However, in Europe, there are tighter regulations for work permits for non-EU teachers.

There can be a lot of confusion around teaching credentials and what you need to get a job abroad. Simply put, TEFL refers to certificates from a range of training organizations that equip prospective teachers to teach English abroad. CELTA is a specific qualification offered through Cambridge Assessment English, a worldwide leader in English language education.

We revise our qualifications regularly to make sure that they continue to meet the needs of learners, schools and higher education institutions around the world and reflect current thinking. We have consulted and worked with subject experts to review this syllabus, and made some changes to make it clearer for teachers.

We provide a wide range of support so that teachers can give their learners the best possible preparation for Cambridge programmes and qualifications. For teachers at registered Cambridge schools, support materials for specific syllabuses are available from the School Support Hub (username and password required).

Political activity, especially during national and local elections, can lead to civil unrest and low-level violence. Spontaneous demonstrations occasionally occur and are often exacerbated by police action. Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can quickly turn confrontational and escalate into violence. To stay safe, you should:

As a K-12 teacher, your summer breaks provide a relief from 180 days of teaching. During the school year, teachers spend a lot of extra time planning classes, grading papers and exams, and developing fun activities for students. When summer rolls around, take advantage of the extended break to travel.

3) Read, read, read! Read the reading passages two or more times. Try to read the reading passage quickly without a dictionary the first time; you can highlight new words, but do not look up the definitions. Next, read the passage again; read slowly and look up words you do not know using your Kindle Dictionary or another dictionary. Finally, do the reading exercises (ex. comprehension check, vocabulary or True-False exercises) and check your answers. Reading is one of the most important things you can do to improve your English. Many great teachers (including Dr. Stephen Krashen) who study the best ways of learning a foreign language say that the fastest way to learn a foreign language is by doing lots of reading in the language you want to learn. I think reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary. It is a good way to learn new words and review words you know. It is best if you read things that you think are interesting. I think readers of this e-book are interested in learning travel English, so all of the readings in this book are on travel topics, especially on advice for avoiding problems while you are traveling in North America. Remember that you need to learn about American culture, not just English language.

The number of Travellers attaining Junior and Leaving Certificates, and hence progressing to higher-level education remains well below the levels of non-Traveller peers. Low levels of attainment and the lack of validation of the Traveller way of life within the education system are a key concern of Traveller parents and within the Traveller community.

The ITM was involved in the development of a National Traveller Education Strategy in 2006. However, the key challenge is to ensure that the effective implementation of its recommendations are achieved. The long-term legacy that ITM envisages is that Travellers will be attending all levels of education and have confidence in their identity within a whole school environment where diversity is valued and where more Travellers view education as one of the valid means to fulfil their own potential.

Historically Travellers were often marginalised in the education system. Into the 1990s Travellers were often educated through segregated provision. Evidence has shown that Traveller-only schools and Traveller-only classes have produced poorer outcomes for Travellers, with many leaving school without any formal qualifications and with low levels of literacy and numeracy.

There are no national statistics for Traveller attainment in literacy or numeracy, and only recently was there an assessment to see whether anecdotal evidence from Traveller organisations regarding poor outcomes for Travellers in education were borne out. The Survey of Traveller Education Provision (2006) showed that the levels of achievement of Traveller pupils were not on a par with their non-Traveller peers. An analysis of standardised test results showed that 67.4% of Travellers were reading at or below the lowest 20% quartile and in numeracy, 62.1% of Travellers surveyed were in the lowest 20%. Some Traveller parents expressed their deep concerns about the low attainment of their children, particularly in relation to reading standards. The inspectors observed that pupils were frequently assigned low-level tasks that did not challenge and extend them sufficiently. Many pupils did not engage in whole-class activities especially in such areas as History, Geography or Science. The survey also drew attention to the poor retention rate of Traveller pupils at post-primary level, with many pupils leaving school early and without qualifications.

A recent systematic review of emerging physically active lesson research15 found increased light and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) levels,19 20 on-task behaviour21 and academic achievement.19 The increasing body of evidence shows the benefits of physically active lessons across PA and educational outcomes, indicating physically active lessons as a promising new teaching method.22 However, this existing evidence-base has mostly assessed PA during the school day only and featured limited sample sizes.15 Despite being relatively novel interventions, reporting of intervention details in physically active lesson research is often poor, preventing replication in research and educational contexts.15 The effects of physically active lessons on student engagement, an essential precursor for learning reflecting an individual's behaviours and cognitions related to learning and the school environment,23 24 has not yet been assessed. Physically active lesson research has also not used available classroom technology of interactive whiteboards,25 used to deliver educational content in over 70% of UK classrooms.26

The Virtual Traveller intervention was developed to address these identified issues. It provides 10-min sessions of physically active Virtual Field Trips (VFTs) for teachers to deliver via the class interactive whiteboard during Maths and English teaching. VFTs allow classes to explore preselected locations around the world, using their movements to simulate interaction with and travel to destinations.25 The Virtual Traveller intervention has been developed following mixed-methods feasibility work. A one-off VFT pilot intervention comparing a physically active VFT with a sedentary version found significantly reduced sedentary time and increased light and MVPA time in active VFT students.25 A qualitative feasibility study of teacher interviews and student focus groups found positive perceptions of active VFTs as a fun, simple and inclusive method of combining movement and teaching.27

The Virtual Traveller programme is designed to be integrated into year 4 National Curriculum Maths and English teaching.12 The programme consists of eighteen, 10-min physically active VFT sessions, to be run three times a week over the 6-week intervention period. Nine sessions are based on English and nine on Maths content. Sessions were developed with consultation from 2-year four teachers identified during qualitative feasibility work.27 Each session has its own identifying code number, with a summary of all sessions provided in figure 2. Sessions can be run in any order to best suit content being taught by teachers at the time. Sessions can also be run at any point of Maths and English teaching, that is, not restricted to being used as a starter or plenary only. Globe-based movement throughout sessions also makes them highly cross-curricular,12 27 combining Maths, English and Geographical content. Qualitative feasibility work identified that the sessions should be provided on simple, familiar software to best facilitate teacher-use.27 Virtual Traveller sessions will hence be provided on ubiquitous Microsoft Powerpoint software with embedded Google Earth videos29 via USB stick.

After baseline assessments, cluster randomisation of classes to intervention or waiting-list control groups will be done via computer programme.32 Randomisation will continue until five intervention classes and five control classes are allocated. Waiting-list control classes will continue to receive their normal teaching during the study: receiving teacher training and the full intervention on USB stick after the final data collection point. be457b7860

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