CafkNet: GNN-Empowered Forward Kinematic Modeling for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots

 Zeqing Zhang†, Linhan Yang†, Cong Sun, Weiwei Shang and Jia Pan

† equal contribution

To the best of our knowledge, it is the first study that employs the GNN to solve FK problem for CDPRs.

Overview of CafkNet

CafkNet: a forward kinematics solving method based on the graph neural Networks for Cable-driven parallel robots.

Overview of CafkNet. (a) The geometric model of a spatial CDPR with m cables. (b) The proposed graph presentation for the CDPR. (c) The top-down computation scheme in each message propagation block. The cable nodes collect data from the world node and are eventually aggregated by the body node.

Videos of Experiment