There's a few things I can say in the in-game story's favor; it gives MC just barely enough of a personality and a kickass enough backstory for all of us writers and artists who want to expand upon the wasted potential of MC to have a chance to really put their own special touch on the character and go in whatever route they want with them in the story. it also tells the story pretty well considering that they have limited character model variety, and the animation seems limited in non cutscenes. there are also quite a few moments all over the place where I just start thinking; "oh! what if I had MC do this instead, or say this? ooh! what if I diverge from the plot a little here!" it's a really good creativity starter... but that's basically it, MC is practically Luminous's chore robot and is an inconsequential character story-wise which is probably one of the worst things I've ever seen done with a character who PERSONALLY KNEW AN ANTAGONIST AND HAD THEIR WHOLE FAMILY KILLED RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES. may I just have one moment to mention that occasionally there will be those moments where it's like "oh yeah, MC's here you guys, can't forget about MC!" but they're so rare at the point I am in the story that a good majority of them are just throw away lines, I've heard that later on there's a lot more, and I'm looking forward to it... as soon as the server level on the server I play on goes above 86 so I can actually level up once in a while and get to that part of the story. a few quick complaints I have to say before I continue: WHY TF DO YOU PUT THE LEVEL GATES TWO LEVELS APART EACH TIME, WHY EVEN LOCK THE STORY BEHIND LEVEL GATES AT ALL IF THE STORY QUESTS DON'T JUST GIVE YOU ENOUGH XP TO LEVEL UP TO GET TO THE NEXT ONE!? WHY NOT LET US REPLAY ENTIRE CHAPTERS WITH DECREASED XP OR SOMETHING, THAT'D BE NICE, YOU COULD LET US SEE WHAT OTHER CHOICES WOULD'VE GIVEN US AND LET US REVIEW THE NON-CUTSCENES! AND WHY THE HELL WITH THE SERVER LEVEL- *ahem* I'm done now. the in-game story after the prologue starts at the third manhua/novel and mentions the second's events through flashback(s)... not really an issue, just something I thought I'd mention because I feel like delivering exposition about past events in the form of Luminous telling MC was a nice way to get that super important part of the story into the game... even though it went basically unmentioned (to my knowledge) past that. when I see big, emotional gut punch story bites like the Shavee conundrum dropped in that way in a game, I expect that information to be important... not just a random inconsequential drop just to be like, "oh yeah by the way, that one character that's really cool nearly died this one time. why? the girl he liked tried to rip out his heart because she was secretly one half of one of the dragon kings." the writers get all the angst and audience knife-twisting out of that past plotline and then just drop it and let it go completely unmentioned again. NO, THAT'S JUST CHEAP, MAN! tugging at our heartstrings like that... IT WORKED DON'T GET ME WRONG BUT I FELT A LITTLE CHEATED! at least have it make some sense, like having the current situation be a mirror or a parallel to the event that gets expositioned. sure, Luminous was reminded of the time he, Johann and Shavee shared a hotel room that one time because he was sharing a hotel room with MC but that would only give him the parallel parameters to share the part of the story where they were sharing the hotel room. if MC had any sort of sentience they could easily write this off as "MC thought that there was more to the story and asked about it." you could have a moment where Lu is conflicted because, 'what if Johann wouldn't want him to share that story?' of course Luminous would probably tell it anyway because the writers still wanted the angst but that could've been a cool way to show that Lu cares a lot about Johann's feelings and wouldn't want to hurt him, and I'm just really, really salty that I haven't seen anything more than tiny hints of their friendship in-game yet! Also they cut SO MUCH from the original story!! Hectab has translated the first twelve chapters of the third Manhua and you can already spot SO MANY THINGS THAT WERE EITHER CUT OR CHANGED... and it makes me sad...

Finally, the official announcement of Thani Oruvan 2 was made with a kickass video today marking the 8th release anniversary of the first part. AGS Entertainment is bankrolling the sequel as well with Mohan Raja directing the film. Jayam Ravi and Nayanthara are reprising their roles as IPS Mithran and forensic specialist Mahima. Director AL Vijay has directed the promo video for Thani Oruvan 2 with music by Sam CS and DOP by Nirav Shah.

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