Who is Cad?

Cad is my fursona and he mostly represents me. He is my character that I pour myself into. I made him before the year 2000 and have stuck with him since. At a glance he's a blue winged Mewtwo, but technically he's a Wing.

What species is Cad?

Cad is technically a Wing, which is a subspecies of Mewtwo designed to be more powerful. I informally call Cad a mutt because he's very much a mix of DNA. But for all intents and purposes calling him a Mewtwo is fine. I don't worry about that technicality.

What is the Wing species?

It was created by a friend a long time ago. She added wings to the back and an entire back story to go along with the species. I jumped on board and continued to stick with the Wing species ever since.

Why a Mewtwo/Wing?

I really like the Mewtwo character, story, and powers. Plus I like the idea of being a big, powerful, psychic cat. But I don't care much about the rest of the Pokemon universe.

Does he need his wings to fly?

No, he still has all the normal Mewtwo powers and abilities (except for teleportation). The wings are a byproduct of the species and the inspiration for the species name.

Why is he drawn in different shades of blue? Or stripe patterns?

I never strictly enforced color and stripe accuracy with artists and wasn't really bothered by it. That was also before I had a proper reference sheet. Now the reference sheet is the correct answer.

Is he covered in fur or skin?

Cad is covered in short fine fur. Check my reference pictures, they are very high resolution.

Why is he normal in some pictures but huge and muscular buff in others?

I like macro and growth, so Cad developed those abilities over time. Cad has a regular form and then grows into a muscular buff form. Then Dynamax and Gigantamax became a thing.

What is Cad's type?

Cad is Psychic Dark. Immune to other Psychics, not weak to other Darks, has no abnormal weakness to other types, except takes 4x damage from Bug/Poison. Otherwise he's really, really powerful.

So he's all strength with little weakness?

In addition to the Bug/Poison weakness, Cad can't teleport either. I think that ability would just be too much. And because he's a big boy, he can lack agility.

Does he have a story?

Of course, but it's not complete and hasn't been touched in a long time. Instead I use his story in serious role plays.

Do you role play?

Yes, both serious and playful. But I expect more than one word replies. Put some love and effort into it.

Cad's Typing