How do black stainless steel appliances look with black cabinets?


what color cabinets go with black stainless steel appliances? If you're planning to remodel your kitchen, or if you just want to give your space a facelift, it's important to consider all the different colors and materials that will be in the room before you make any decisions about what colors to paint. One of the most striking elements of modern kitchens is stainless steel appliances. These shiny surfaces can take on almost any color like a chameleon—but there are some combinations that look better than others. Here are some tips for choosing colors for your new black or dark grey stainless steel appliances:

Black stainless steel appliances

It’s true that black stainless steel appliances can look modern and sleek in a kitchen. The dark color is striking, and it will make your kitchen look clean and tidy. However, be careful not to go overboard with this style choice if you want to avoid making your kitchen seem too cold or intimidating. If you are considering using black appliances in your home but aren’t sure how best to incorporate them into the design of your kitchen, here are some tips on how best to go about doing so:

  • Consider what other colors are already present in the room when choosing a palette for your new appliances. If there are more neutral tones present already (such as white), then black may work well; however if there is already plenty of warm wood tones used throughout (such as oak), then going with lighter neutrals such as cream or beige might be better suited for complementing this existing scheme rather than being overshadowed by darker hues like grey or brown which could potentially make things look even darker than they really are when compared side-by-side against their surroundings due solely down its color value alone without any other factors taken into consideration first before making any final decisions one way or another today during our next scheduled appointment time slot tomorrow morning at 9am sharp while also taking into account whether we're looking at an aerial map from above ground level at street level below ground level within view distance range

A rich, dark color to make your other appliances look even more shiny and new

If you have black stainless steel appliances, it's best to use a dark color for your cabinets. Dark browns, dark grays, and blacks all work well. Dark colors will make your other appliances look shinier, newer and more expensive. The addition of a dark color helps open up the kitchen so it doesn't look so cramped or small. If you want to be bold with your choice of cabinets, go with purple or bright blue—but if you're unsure about such drastic changes to the kitchen design scheme, then stick with something more neutral like black or graphite gray instead (note: these aren't necessarily "neutral" colors because they still have some hue in them).

Add a black or dark brown backsplash

A backsplash is the wall between the countertop and the wall, so it's a great way to add some color to your kitchen. If you want something dramatic, go with a darker color like black or dark brown. If you want something subtler and more neutral-toned, stick with white or light grey.

Remove the border between the countertop and the wall

Remove the border between the countertop and the wall.

Choose a dark color on your walls.

Choose a light color on your walls.

Choose a contrasting color on your walls.

Or choose a color that's similar to your cabinets!

Try a lighter color combination with stainless steel appliances

  • If you want to make your kitchen look bigger and more modern, try a lighter color combination.

  • If you want to give your kitchen a spacious feel, go with light colors and keep the walls clean and white.

  • If you're hoping to achieve both of these things at once, try using a light color for the cabinets and then painting the walls with a darker shade of paint (think navy blue or green).

Think about how your kitchen looks before deciding what color you want to paint it.

As you decide what color to paint your cabinets, keep in mind that the color of your walls, countertops, and appliances will also affect how they stand out. If you have a lot of black stainless steel appliances, a dark color can make them stand out and be a focal point. If you have more white or light colored stainless steel appliances, a light color may make those stand out instead.

But even if you don't have any stainless steel appliances in your kitchen right now and plan on buying some later on down the road (or vice versa), take note: The kitchen is one of the most expensive rooms to remodel—if not THE most expensive room to remodel (and there are many reasons for this). So choosing wisely when it comes time for painting could save yourself time and money down the road!


We hope this article has helped you make a decision about what color your cabinets should be. Remember that it’s not just about aesthetics; the color of your kitchen cabinets can also play a role in how much energy they use. So if you’re looking to get more environmentally friendly with your kitchen design, consider going with white or light brown cabinets instead of darker shades like black or brown!


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