Grief to Action

Our 2020 end-of-year report

G2A at Harvard CRCS

In June 2020, CAASI launched the Grief to Action (G2A) volunteering platform to support the effort to fight the systemic racism that has been laid bare by the death of George Floyd and countless others. To date, over 100 volunteers (including 40+ non-Pitt community members) have contributed their expertise in our weekly Friday meeting.

G2A volunteers have developed three interdisciplinary data-driven projects: a tool to facilitate transparency in the police accountability process, a tool to connect BIPOC-owned businesses with the university community, and an LGBTQIA+ single use bathroom finder.

To learn more about us:

We also have smaller G2A spin-offs meetings to do technical work to support the larger group:

  • Monday 11am market design / theory reading group, led by Michael Hamilton (Assistant Professor of Operations Research, Katz School of Business)

  • Tuesday 8pm coding session with Pitt and UC Berkeley Computer Science and Data Science undergrads.