Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association  Race & Event  Support


Information and Resource Page

Volunteers Needed

CAARA is always looking for ham volunteers to assist with the Race Safety Support program and with other Public Service Events that CAARA supports. Volunteering for these activities  is great training for emergency preparedness, it is social and fun, and it benefits the runners in races we support by providing a radio safety net and benefits other public activities such as parades and celebrations by assisting with safety of participants and event logistics.

CAARA is a ARRL recognized Special Service Club and we strive to live up to that honor.

Safety Support is a team endeavor. Real-time training is provided to all volunteers. Licensed hams do not even need a radio, the club can provide dual band HTs for volunteers.

Volunteering can be on a trial basis with no long-term commitment.  Join the team!

Interested? Email Chris W1TAT to learn more or sign-up.

Half Marathons Our The Largest Activity

CAARA provides Radio Safety Net support for all YouKanRun  sponsored races in the greater Cape Ann area.  Races are mostly on Sunday mornings and generally begin at 9:00 a.m. We are usually "on station" at 8:30 a.m. and typically finish by 12:30 p.m. Each race typically has 6 checkpoints, a lead car and a trail car operated by our volunteers. 

See information on future races below. Sign up for a future race now and request a preferred available checkpoint or role.

Guidance for CAARA Race Volunteers

Pick Your Spots!

Find a preferred check point (CP) or vehicle role (Lead or Trail Vehicle) in each of the races in which you can participate and email Chris, W1TAT to request your preferences. If you are looking to be a new participant, Chris will pair you up with a veteran for your first race experience.


Happy Holidays December 8 (Sun.)


W1GLO 440 Repeater 443.7 Receive, 448.7 Transmit (Dup+) PL Tone:107.2

Back-up Freq: W1GLO 2m 145.13 Receive 144.53 Transmit (Dup-) PL Tone 107.2

Possible Alternative Frequencies:

Fully Staffed

Thank you, volunteers!



Happy Holidays 12-8-24 Staffing Logistics

HAPPY HOLIDAYS Start/Finish and Checkpoints

Click for Interactive Map