* * * For the 2nd CA2V Workshop, Advanced safety technologies for Autonomous Driving, please click HERE * * *
IEEE VTC2018-Spring: Workshop on Connected, Automated and Autonomous Vehicles (CA2V)
The aim of the CA2V workshop, as part of the IEEE VTC2018-Spring conference, is to bring together researchers, professionals, policy makers, stakeholders and experts in vehicular technologies, communications and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to discuss current and future challenges of autonomous and instrumented/automated vehicles, interoperability of on-board and infrastructure-based units (OBUs – RSUs), test-cases and scenarios for deployment of connected and automated vehicles (CAV), intelligent and connected infrastructure, cybersecurity in vehicular communications, advances in AI-based systems for ITS and connected cars, emerging technologies in the automotive industry, and the role of governance and regulations on driverless vehicles.