The C4 Research Team

Meet the team

Dr. Onyema Osuagwu

Principal Investigator, Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Onyema dot Osuagwu at morgan dot edu

Joy Williams

Ph.D. Student


Nnamdi Osuagwu

Ph.D. Student


Omoshalewa Olukotun

Ph.D. Student


Olufemi Agunbiade

Ph.D. Student

Fehintola Sangodeyi

M.S. Student

Justice Thomson

Undergraduate Student

Jabari Austin

Undergraduate Student

Godwin Eke

Undergraduate Student

Brooke Price

Undergraduate Student


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. - Matthew 7:7

“Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough ...” - George Washington Carver