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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

The Siberian jay project values equity and diversity and strives to maintain an inclusive work environment. We are committed to ensuring our own and each other’s professional development through an inclusive, diverse and equitable approach where we support each other. Fieldwork is an important component of ecology, animal behaviour and conservation work, and relies on the dedication, skills and resources of a team of people.

The following five key values guide our team:

1) Nature is precious, and essential to human-kind. We seek to understand nature and protect it. Working in the field in nature is a privilege! 

2) We work on land that may not belong to us. We respect the rights and culture of the traditional land owners. 

3) We are a team. Each team member brings their own skills and perspectives, and together we are stronger than the sum of our parts. We endeavour to combine our individual efforts such that common goals (e.g., ecological datasets) are achieved through mutual cooperation.

4) We are unique individuals who bring our own distinct strengths and interests to our team. We support all team members to develop skills that are relevant to their own personal career goals and trajectories.

5) We work in the spirit of inclusion. Individual uniqueness is a strength, but may also create diverse needs. All team members have the right to their safety and well-being and we seek to remove barriers to success. 

Join Us

If you are interested in joining our team, we have diverse opportunities within a range of contexts including career stage (e.g., undergraduate studies to postdoctoral academic stages), career goals and study fields (e.g. scientific research, conservation management, science communication) . We are regularly looking for field volunteers to join our work. Contact the project PIs if you are interested. 

For PhD students and post-docs that wish to work in Germany, there are opportunities to acquire independent funding for PhD students (DAAD) and postdocs (Marie Curie Individual Fellowships, Humboldt Research Fellowships, ​HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships, Zukunftskolleg Fellowships, DFG).


michael.griesser "at" uni-konstanz.de