
“Search Less for a Better Price," with Eren Bilen and Deniz Dizdar, Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

“The Pricing of Ancillary Goods When Selling on a Platform,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 83, 2022, 102847. Online Appendix.

“Search and Bidding Costs”, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 20(2), 2020.

“Licensing a technology standard”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 47(2), 2016.

“Why Don't Prices Rise During Periods of Peak Demand? - Synchronize Demand to Relax Competition”, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 16(3), 2016.

 “Familiarity and decision making: The unclear role of noise in accept/reject decisions”, with Jeremy Sandford, Southern Economic Journal, 81(4), 2015.

“Do card users benefit from proportional fees?”, Review of Network Economics, 12(3), 2014.

“On the superiority of fixed-fee over auction in technology licensing”, The Manchester School, 81(3), 2013.

“On the duration of technology licensing”, with John Gordanier, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(6), 2011.

“Planned Obsolescence and Monopoly Undersupply”, Information Economics and Policy, 23(1), 2011.

“Tying, Compatibility and Planned Obsolescence”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 58(3), 2010.

“Consumer Myopia, Standardization, and Aftermarket Monopolization”, European Economic Review, 54(7), 2010.

“Limiting Compatibility in Two-Sided Markets”, Review of Network Economics, 8(4), 2009.

“Competition in Quality Standards”, Journal of Industrial Economics: Notes, 57(1), 2009.

The "Lake Wobegon" game and the actively managed funds puzzle

Presentation slides, the SEA meeting, Nov. 2013.

Teaching notes