
Recommended text for course syllabi:
Policy on intellectual tolerance in the classroom

National organizations
Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE)
Heterodox Academy
Academic Freedom Alliance

Other open letters
Stanford Academic Freedom Declaration
Open letter against poiliticization of K-12 math curricula in California – Independent Institute
Truth Seeking, Democracy, and Freedom of Thought and ExpressionRobert P. George and Cornell West

Further reading
Kindly Inquisitors Jonathan Rauch's classic on the importance of free inquiry
Statement on academic freedom and tenure American Association of University Professors

Chicago Principles on free expression

A Book Too Risky To Publish: Free Speech And Universities James Flynn

Defining Academic Freedom – Cary Nelson

Articles and resources from C-FAF members
DEI Statements: Compassion Filter or Ideological Test? – Alex Small, CalPoly Pomona

The dangers of intellectual monoculture Peter C. Herman, SDSU

Freedom of speech resources – Jeff Greensite, SFSU