C-Camp Project

AI, Digitalization, Data and Creativity in Prague and Online

Prague 11-13 July 2022

Online Showcase

Limited Funded Places available for Student - Apply Now!

Deadline 15th June 2022 (except for UNIMI students)

Introducing C-Camp

C-Camp is a 4EU+ project aimed at stimulating engagement with Technology.

Come and join us to explore Artificial Intelligence, Art, Consciousness and Creativity. Funding is available (see below)

C-Camp offers a chance to experiment with tools from AI, art and media and programming.

It combines this with the latest perspectives from the sciences about what machine learning is and why it works, how psychology and biology interface with machines and how technology can help us to learn and be more human with each other.

C-Camp starts with a 3-day workshop in Prague (11-13 July) where we will explore what Artificial Intelligence, Data and multimedia technologies mean for science, art and industry.

You will have the chance to create your own Artificial Intelligence, analyse your own data, and learn new skill in media production.

This is followed by online team-building and activities leading to an Online Showcase in August 2022.

C-Camp activities are divided into four main theme areas:

  1. AI, Natural Processes and a Changing World

  2. Media production, creative processes and AI

  3. Social Media and big data

  4. Data analysis and privacy.

No previous experience necessary - all we ask is that you are interested in technology!

AI, Natural Processes and a Changing World

Artificial intelligence is growing at a rapid rate, and recent developments are having impacts in fields as diverse as medicine, law and art. Even the pictures on this website were generated with AI!

In this theme, you will use AI tools and techniques to explore what AI is, how you can make it, and what it might do for you. We will explore how can we work in partnership with machines in the future

Media production and creative processes using AI

The ways in which we communicate are being transformed by technology, and the skills to create video, interactive content, and cross-platform communication are becoming more important for organisations.

This rapid growth raises many questions about the nature of creativity and technical knowledge in the future, as well as questions about the nature of truth and fake news <br>Explore How the creative process be changed by AI and how can we tell truth from fiction in the media"

Explore Social media and big data

Almost all media now is 'social' and interactive, and we have seen in recent years the implications of this on politics, education, industry and government.

Theme 3 focuses on social media analysis to understand what Facebook knows about you and (for example) how the TikTok algorithms work

Data analysis and privacy – what our own data says about us

In an online world, everything we do is potentially available for inspection - particularly by those who control the technologies.

Understanding what can you learn about yourself through analysing your own data can provide an insight into our online behaviour, and new ways in which we can protect our privacy."

How to Apply

To apply for funding to participate on C-Camp you will need to be a student at one of the 4EU+ universities (Charles University, Heidelberg University, University of Milan, University of Copenhagen)

Complete this Application Form, telling us why you want to participate.

Funded places are limited, so there will be a selection process identifying those students with the most compelling reasons to participate. Funding will cover the round-trip to Prague and Accommodation costs (up to a 400 Euro limit)

We look forward to welcoming you to C-Camp!

Dr Mark Johnson: mj@ind.ku.dk

Dr Danielle Hagood: dh@ind.ku.dk