Woo, Byung-Deuk


I am an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science and International Studies, Incheon National University.

I received my PhD degree in Political Science from the University of Iowa in 2021, and BA in Political Science and International Relations from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in 2017. In my dissertation: "Re-Examining the Origins of Policy related to Violence Against Women: The Role of Women's Descriptive Representation in Achieving Substantive Representation", I examine the role of women's descriptive representation on the adoption of criminal laws and public policies concerning violence against women with Time-Series Cross-National data on 161 countries from 1908 to 2016, and with the data on the Korean National Assembly.

I'm majoring in Comparative Politics and Political Methodology. My research focuses on Big Data Anlytics, Women in Politics, Democracy, Party Institutions, Korean Politics, and Provocative Behaviors. You can reach my research information including published articles and working papers in the "Research" tab.

I also enjoy developing and teaching a new course. As a primary instructor, I developed and taught a course named "Politics of Epidemics: International Conflict and Cooperation" in Fall 2020. In this class, undergraduate students learned some basic terms and theories in International Relations. They applied their knowledge on state behaviors responding to the spread of epidemics including Black Death, Swine Flu, COVID-19, etc. By visiting the "Teaching" tab, you can get more information!

Please contact me at: byungdeukwoo@inu.ac.kr