Byters Android application Terms Of Service/ Privacy Policy

                                                          Terms of Service

Upon choosing to download and or install or use this application or application package or any asset or assets associated with either, you are agreeing to these terms of service. I the creator of set application and application package, or any parties authorized by the creator of this application that are involved, contributing, or have had released an asset or assets under a license or not  that were included in this application or application package are not liable or responsible for anything that happens because of, as a result of, or by the use of this application or application package or the asset or assets of either application or application package.  All Characters and events in this application even those based on real people, fictional characters, organizations of any sort, or anything at all, are entirely fictional. The owner reserves the right to make changes to these terms of service at any time.

                                                  Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of

This application does not collect any personal information or data. The Owner takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction or access of the Data and personal information. The Owner reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time.

                                   Latest update: February 28, 2023