

The Joint Cross Section of Stocks and Options, with Andrew Ang, Turan Bali, and Nusret Cakici

The Journal of Finance 69, no.5 (2014): 2279-2337

Voluntary Disclosure with Evolving News, with Cyrus Aghamolla

The Journal of Financial Economics 140, no.1 (2021): 21-53

Working Papers

Tug of War in Corporate Environmental Lobbying, with Hyun-Soo Choi, Hugh Hoikwang Kim, and Paul Youngwook Kim

Media Coverage: Duke Financial Economics Center FinReg Blog

SFA 2023, FMA 2023, University of Technology Sydney, University of Sydney, CICF 2024, Fordham University, FMA Asia-Pacific 2024, APAD 2024

Mandatory vs. voluntary ESG disclosure, efficiency, and real effects, with Cyrus Aghamolla

Media Coverage: Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog

Semifinalist for Best Paper Award at FMA 2023

2022 Accounting and Economics Society Winter Retreat, Hawaii Accounting Research Conference 2023, NTHU Symposium on Sustainable Finance and Economics, NYU Big Apple Accounting Conference 2023, FMA 2023, University of Zurich

Missing the target? Retirement expectations and target date funds, with Kunal Sachdeva

WFA 2023, CICF 2023, CEPR Eighth European Workshop on Household Finance, MFA 2023, EFA 2022, FMA 2022, European FMA 2022, Lone Star Conference 2022, Melbourne Asset Pricing Meeting, Asia Pacific Financial Education Institution 2022, Australian Finance and Banking Conference 2022

How Often Should You Take Tactical Asset Allocation Decisions?, with Andrew Ang and Pierre Collin-Dufresne

FMA Asian 2015, FMA 2015