Working Papers


2018-01 : Infrastructure Affordability in Developed and Developing Economies : Rules of Thumbs and Evidence


2017-01 : Can Supranational Infrastructure Regulation Compensate for National Institutional Weaknesses ?

2017-02 : Do Private Water Utilities Operators Care about Regulatory Agencies in Developing Countries ?

2017-03 : Regulating Water and Sanitation Network Services. Accounting for Institutional and Informational Constraints


2016-01 : Corruption and Incompetence in Public Procurement

2016-02 : Unbundling Political and Economic Rationality: a Non-parametric Approach Tested on Spain


2015-01 : Financing Infrastructure in Developing Countries

2015-02 : Is Belgium Overshooting in its Policy Support to Cut the Cost of Capital of Renewable Sources of Energy ?

2015-03 : La taxation directe effective de l'énergie en Belgique: pourquoi faire simpple si on peut faire compliqué pour taxer peu ?


2014-01 : Instrument Choice and Cost Uncertainty in the Electricity Market

2014-02 : Infrastructure and Corruption: a Brief Survey

2014-03 : On the "Economics" Case for Planning in Infrastructure: a Brief Policy Oriented Survey


2013-01 : Efficiency and Equity Effects of Taxing the Financial Sector: Lessoons from a CGE Model for Belgium

2013-02 : A Reverse Holdup Problem

2013-03 : Benchmarking Politicians

2013-04 : Reducing Energy Use withour Affecting the Economic Objective: A Sectoral Analysis

2013-05 : How Would the Design of an Alternative Minimum Tax Impact the Effective Corporate Tax Rate in Belgium


2012-01 : Supranational Infrastructure Regulation: Institutional Opportunities and Challenges

2012-02 : Some Theory, Some ideology and Lots of Pragmatism in the Cost-benefit Analysis of PPPs

2012-03 : Would Less Fiscal Decentralization Reduce Public Sector Size across Sectors in Europe ?

2012-04 : On the (In) Effectiveness of Policies to Promote Broadband Diffusion in Europe (2003-2010): An Econometric Assessment


2011-01 : What Policies to Green Infrastructure Service Delivery Entail


2010-01 : Dealing with Politics for Money and Power in Infrastructure

2010-02 : Infrastructure Policy for Shared Growth post-2008: More and Better, or Simply More Complex ?

2010-03 : What Anti-corruption Policy Can Learn from Theories of Sector Regulation


2009-01 : Bidders' Entry and Auctioneers' Rejection: Applying a Double Selection Model to Road Procurement Auctions

2009-02 : (Un)Bundling Infrastructure Procurement: Evidence from Water Supply and Sewage Projects

2009-03 : Auctions with Endogenous Participation and Quality Thresholds: Evidence from Oda Infrastructure Procurement


2008-01 : Procurement Efficiency for Infrastructure Development and Financial Needs Reassessed

2008-02 : Multidimensionality and Renegotiation: Evidence from Transport-sector PPP Transaction in Latin America

2008-03 : Bidder Asymmetry in Infrastructure Procurement: Are There any Fringe Bidders ?

2008-04 : Joint Bidding in Infrastructure Procurement

2008-05 : Towards a Theory of Regulation for Developping Countries: Following Laffont's Lead