6 Things That Deprive a Man of His Sex Drive

Men. High Drive for Sex. Sexual animals panting. What they want, we know. And when they want it, we know: Right now.

According to sex researchers, even doctors tend to see men as "sexual automatons," always hardwired to want sex. That is not at all the case, though, Many, many men have such low sexual desire — about one in five — that they would rather do anything else than have sex.

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Doesn't one in five men want sex? How could this be true? And why didn't we hear about that? In fact, many women have — the ones who hear the phrase "Not tonight, dear." Most people think that is a rare occurrence, but almost 30 % of women actually say they have a greater interest in sex than their partner has.

Low sex drive causes

So, what is the underlying sexual desire behind it? Aging is important, although there is a strong interest in sex for many older men, researchers point out. The drive of sex varies, as do most other human traits. Most men are within the ordinary range; some are driven to sexual behavior like addiction exceptionally. Men with very little sexual interest are at the other end of the scale. These are men with hypocritical sexual desire (HSDD) disorder.

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On either side of the normal curve, there are always men. 'And for a whole host of reasons, a certain percentage-maybe up to a quarter-shall be considered HSDD.

  1. Psychological issues.

There are many reasons for stress and anxiety caused by daily living, relationships and family problems, depression, and mental illness.

  1. Medical problems.

Conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and HIV medication, and other drugs may adversely influence sexual desire.

  1. Hormonal causes.

The levels of testosterone tend to dip as men age, other causes include chronic diseases, medicines, and the use of drugs. Further hormones may also play their roles such as low thyroid hormones or, rarely, high prolactin levels, a hormone that is manufactured in a gland at its base, as well as low thyroid hormones. 'Testosterone is the hormone of desire, probably for women, as for men.

  1. Low levels of dopamine.

The brain obviously involves sex desire, and its chemical Messaging System is intricately linked to sexual desire. Dopamine is one of these messengers. Physicians have noticed that Parkinson's disease has increased their sexual desire in patients treated with dopamine-stimulating drugs.

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Each reason has its own treatment for low sex desire. Sex therapy may offer men certain techniques and strategies to recover their sexual enjoyment when the root cause is psychological. Psychological counseling focuses on sexual issues, It's not psychotherapy,

If testosterone is low, men can take low testosterone supplements if their levels are measurably low. About 25% of men take weekly testosterone shots but the majority opt for patches on the skin, shoulders or abdomen, or gel formulations.

Researchers suspect that low concentrations of dopamine are central to the low desire of a man to prescribe dopamine-increasing drugs, even if currently this treatment is not clinically approved and has risks.

But a new drug women's dopamine-now in the clinical trials increases while a specific type of serotonin is decreasing in the brain. The drug might be used by women of low sexual wishes in early clinical studies. Researchers believe it is a promise to this new treatment. And, they say, it will likely be tested in men if it is approved for women.

In the end, the choice between being a sexual animal panting and being a eunuch is not for men who have lost their desire for sex. Instead, the real choice is whether these men are prepared to recover their partners' vital intimacy - and a key component of healthy living.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician.