Buy Vidalista medicine Online at USA Best treatment of erectile dysfunction


Vidalista medicine is one of the drugs of a modern generation that is designed to treat the problem related to erection. Problems related to this erection include erectile dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and pulmonary arterial hypertension, etc. Anxiety, emotions, and depressive states as well as various functional disorders have a significant negative impact on men's sexual health.

This Vidalista drug shows positive results in men of any age. The drug has been developed by Centurion Laboratories, a renowned pharmaceutical company in India, to treat ED. Use this medicine in the USA, UK, and Australia wide. This medicine contains a powerful ingredient called tadalafil. It is possible for many people to use this Vidalista drug to treat their erectile dysfunction disease.

Indication: Erectile Dysfunction

Generic Name: Tadalafil

Manufacture: Centurion Laboratories, India

Packaging: 10 tablets in 1 strip

How to use Vidalista?

You can use Vidalista tablets to treat erectile dysfunction. In the first place, use Vidalista with water as per your sexual requirements, as in 30 minutes before your sexual activity is planned. The result of Tadalafil remains as long as 36 hours, which is why it is also known as a weekend tablet as many men use it as the weekend begins and remains effective until it ends.

How to Vidalista works?

Vidalista works by blocking phosphodiesterase type 2 inhibitors. The main function of this drug is to relax the blood vessels in the penis part of the male body and increase blood flow. Every person is aroused for sexual arousal due to increased blood flow in this penis.

How long can you take Vidalista (Tadalafil)?

You should not take this Vidalista medicine more than once a day as its effect lasts for 36 hours. So your doctor advises you to take 1 pill once in 24 hours as its effect decreases in 24 hours.

Dosage if Vidalista Tadalafil (Generic Cialis)

Vidalista 10 mg

Vidalista 2.5 mg

Vidalista 5 mg

Vidalista 20 mg

Vidalista 40 mg

Vidalista 60 mg

Vidalista 80 mg

Super Vidalista

Vidalista Professional

Vidalista CT 20 mg

Vidalista Black 80 mg

Side-effects of Vidalista drug

Urination with some blood

Pain in the joints including arms and feet


Digestion related problems


Unable to get proper sleep


Feeling anxious or anger

Mood swings and getting frustrated too often

Sudden partial loss of vision or light sensitivity

An erection that stays for too long Diarrhea

Feeling depressed

Partial or total hearing loss

Important things to remember

These are some of the things about the Vidalista tablet which you need to know before using it. Here are some things to keep in mind:

The label should be read carefully before taking this medicine.

This medicine should be kept out of the reach of children, women, and pets.

If you experience any side effects after taking this medicine, you need to consult your doctor immediately.

You must take this medicine with your doctor's prescription.

If you have any medical history in the past, you should share this with your doctor.

You can contact to find out more about this medicine or to get medicine for the treatment of other Ed drugs.

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