How to Buy Followers on Instagram?

First, let's see step by step how to buy Instagram followers. (After that, we'll show you why it was a waste of time.)

Beware of Phishing Scams

Many fake Instagram follower providers have gone bankrupt in the last three years as Instagram continues to crack down on bots, junk accounts, and the fleeting operations that supply them.

Finding a reputable fake Instagram follower provider today is like finding a reputable human organ seller.

It is a black market. It will take a bit of research to find a provider that won't a) steal your money or b) steal your identity. (Okay, I guess in the second one, but it's a well-founded assumption.)

For this experiment, I decided to use Quick Follower. (Read on to learn more about some of the other providers I considered)

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Decide If You Want to Buy in Bulk or Get a Daily Drip of Followers.

Either option will seem obviously false, but providers offer this option, that is, a thousand followers at a time or 200 a day, to promote the illusion that no one (including Instagram) will be able to say that they bought their followers. Of course, anyone looking will be able to tell in an instant, but we'll talk about that later.

For various reasons (including the fact that this item expired last week) I decided to buy mine at once. Quick Follower sells 1,000 followers for $ 15.95. (In what currency? It doesn't say! I guess it'll be a fun surprise on my credit card bill!)

Decide If You Want to Buy Some Likes and Comments While You're at It.

Of course there is an upsell. For an additional $ 9.71 in mystery dollars, I decided to treat myself with 1,000 likes for my 5 most recent posts.

Again, the theory is that buying engagement will make it less obvious that your followers are fake. But, as you will see later: it will not be like that. Like the time I tried to pass off my jimjams as luxury sports entertainment on Zoom, there's really no hiding this extremely lazy choice I've made.

Submit Your Instagram Account and Credit Card Information.

Now, tell your service where to send your bots. No password is required. Of course, it can be unpleasant to give your credit card details to a random number company or a Gmail address, and that's because it is unpleasant. I did it for science, but I certainly don't recommend that you do it.