The 2023-24 school year is here  and 

the PTSO would love your help as we dive in!

We still have open positions.  Please reach out to ButlerPTSO@gmail.com if you want to know more.

Executive Board positions are usually held by a previous board member.   

Co-President - Work with Principal and other school officials to support the needs of the school.  Delegate tasks, help when needed, work closely with the Treasurer throughout the year.

VP Fundraising- Work with Capital Campaign chair to develop and expand outreach for organization fundraising opportunities. 

Board Positions

School Store/Senior Signs- Will work with vendor with school store orders and Senior signs and merchandise.

Restaurant Nights- Work with local restaurants to set up Butler PTSO Spirit Nights. Purchases from designated time will provide a portion back to Butler PTSO.

Welcome to the Butler High School Parent Teacher Student Organization Website!

The Butler PTSO strives to:

* Develop closer connections between school and home by encouraging parent involvement.

* Enhance the educational experience by supporting teachers and staff.

* Improve the environment at our school by providing volunteer and financial support.

* Support all students to feel valuable within the Butler community.

We need your help to make 2023-2024 one of our best years ever!  Please join  the PTSO by clicking the button above.

Click below to follow us on Facebook and Instagram