Can I apply for staff?
When we require an extra staff member, we will open #resources in the staff-application channel. There is no guarantee that you will become staff, but if we like your application and we have actively seen you trying to help on the servers, then your application will be considered.
Feel free to read through the staff application Google form to gain an understanding of the requirements.
An application rejection may be determined even by your location. As people from around the globe join our servers, we must staff 24 hours a day as best as we can. Of course, this is impossible for someone who lives in Europe but needs to staff a server active with users from North America (For example). We will let you know where we would like staff to be from when we open applications.
Where can I suggest improvements?
Back in the days we used to have Google forms for suggestions, this is completely removed. We created a system that will show us all of the submitted suggestions in one channel! Now with this new system people have the ability to vote on a suggestion they think can help make busted a better place. We created this system to hear more from all of the busted players. (More information about how to submit a suggestion is provided in #suggestions).
Where can I leave any feedback or complaints?
Feedback and complaints are all handled by Google Forms. Please find the appropriate channel on the Discord server for your submission and it will be read by staff, usually on the same day. You can leave a complaint or feedback in #resources.