Have you ever tried Business and Entertainment at the same time? If you're bored of business trips where you sleep through the entire weekend and don't do anything worthwhile, then Ghana's Businesstainment is definitely something to look forward to. It's a trip that combines business with entertainment which can be quite fun as well as fruitful in terms of results. Here are some reasons why I recommend Businesstainment to all my clients who visit Ghana. Enjoy!


Businesstainment describes a multi-faceted, high energy experience. The term captures everything that happens when a group of people interested in improving their financial well-being and overall lifestyle gather around an event to learn about business concepts that empower them to do so. It’s about entertainment, it’s about community development, it’s about financial literacy, entrepreneurship and investment opportunities. It’s FUN! And it works. Businesses have been started by attendees at our events as well as individuals who were inspired by what they learned. As an attendee you will be given access to resources that are not available anywhere else, including some tools that we have created specifically for our events. You can expect to leave with more than just knowledge; you can expect to leave with new friends, new relationships and most importantly...the confidence that comes from knowing that if you want something bad enough...you CAN achieve it. You CAN make your dreams come true! We want everyone who attends one of our events to feel like a VIP. You should never feel like just another number or face in the crowd.

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The concept of combining business and entertainment in Ghana came to me during my first visit to Techiman, a small town in central Ghana. I was inspired by how open and welcoming everyone was towards me. Each day would begin with an invitation to share breakfast or lunch with one of my many hosts. Food and conversation flowed freely from morning till night. When it was time for me to leave, they were always sad that I had to go but they never tried to persuade me to stay longer. They knew that there were more interesting places for me to see and more people for them to meet. It occurred to me that if these people could be so warm and friendly even though they had very little money then why couldn't others? And so Businesstainment was born! We now have offices in several cities around Ghana as well as two locations in London and New York City. Our services are available to anyone who needs them wherever they are. We can take care of all your corporate travel arrangements, private parties, weddings etc. You name it we can do it...all while providing you with authentic African hospitality and culture along with a healthy dose of good old-fashioned fun!


Ghana’s highly organised hospitality network serves visitors to take in local attractions and experience Ghanaian culture. Traveling for business is made easy with hotels, restaurants, food markets and tour guides at every turn ready to serve you. There are also a variety of inexpensive transport options available from rental cars to buses and taxis. At times it can be easy to feel like you are part of a Ghanaian family while on your trip, as people will greet you with loud 'Jambo!'s everywhere you go. It is advisable to book accommodation through any of the international hotel chains, who all have properties here, or one of many locally owned hotels. Most accommodation facilities offer meals at breakfast and dinner time. While there are many touristy things to do in Accra, such as going to see The African Renaissance Monument or visiting historical sites such as Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle, these activities should not limit your scope of travel. Local tours outside of Accra allow travelers to experience everything that Ghana has to offer!


Business entertainment in Accra or any other part of Ghana has many benefits for you as an individual and for your business. Business entertainment plays a very important role in international trade, making a visit to any business meeting an effective step towards boosting international relations between countries. It also allows foreign businesses and officials from different countries to build a good image of your country and its people, enhancing mutual understanding and respect for your country. Business entertainment in Ghana is becoming increasingly popular because it offers investors and potential partners opportunities to network with local business leaders and government officials. A lot of investment decisions are made at these meetings, which helps attract more capital into your country. Ghana also boasts a strong reputation for peace and stability, with well-established democratic institutions; furthermore, there is no risk of civil war here like there may be in some neighboring African countries. This makes Ghana an attractive destination for both domestic and foreign investors. If you have ever considered investing in Ghana, now is a great time to start. Business entertaining provides unique opportunities for you to interact with government officials and learn about your options before entering into long-term agreements that could potentially lead to huge profits down the road. As mentioned earlier, networking plays an important role in today’s global economy; business entertainment provides excellent networking opportunities that can help improve cooperation between various businesses, foster stronger relationships with existing partners, and facilitate new partnerships. Ghana has always been one of Africa’s most stable democracies, but recently, President John Dramani Mahama and his administration have taken steps to create a safer environment for investors. In addition to taking on corruption head-on by increasing transparency in public office and cracking down on fraudsters who steal millions from unsuspecting citizens every year, he has reduced taxes on importation of raw materials used by local manufacturers (such as cement), thereby encouraging them to expand their operations so they can export goods abroad.

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Don’t be fooled by its name, businesstainment can be used by individuals and corporations. A one-day trip to Elmina Castle or Cape Coast Castle will have your team talking about it for months. Put on a special program of local dance, music, and crafts that celebrates Ghanaian culture and you’ll make lifelong memories. And if you want to go beyond basic sightseeing, add in some educational elements such as a visit to an orphanage or school. Not only does it help support these communities but it also gives your team members a chance to put their skills into practice through volunteer work. After all, what better way to show how much you care than by giving back? There are many ways to incorporate business with pleasure in Ghana; contact us today to learn more!


The cost of businesstainment in Ghana can range from 15-25,000Cedis for an hour or two. If you have more money than time on your hands, you might be interested in a private jet trip with a few friends (or just one really good friend) that could set you back several thousand Cedis depending on how luxurious your needs are. From my experience there is nothing better than hopping into a small plane and flying to some of Africa’s most beautiful coastline destinations. This is something I do at least once a year when I need to get away from it all. It allows me to relax, enjoy nature and forget about life for a little while as I fly over spectacular scenery like mountains, beaches and lush forests. You can even see animals if you’re lucky! You will also find many great ways to spend your business entertainment budget in Ghana including visiting some of its major cities such as Accra, Kumasi and Cape Coast. Each city has its own unique charm, but they are all filled with amazing restaurants, nightclubs and hotels. There is always something going on so finding things to do won't be difficult.

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This might seem counterintuitive, but if you’re a shy person—or even just socially awkward in certain situations—you can actually use those traits to your advantage. In fact, it’s one of many benefits of being socially awkward. If you can channel your unique personality into a niche like comedy writing or social media marketing, you could really take off. Consider taking improv classes or learning how to write stand-up comedy routines. It may feel scary at first, but once you get going and gain some confidence, it will be easier than ever before. As long as you are comfortable with who you are, then people will enjoy spending time with you. The key is being yourself while staying true to what others want to hear from that personality. When it comes down to business networking events and parties, just be yourself! Even though I am very shy when I meet new people, I still make an effort to connect with them.


A lot of people will ask you that, and there might be some people asking you that because they are just looking for an excuse to have fun. In most cases it is a genuine question though. And yes there are events like yours in Nigeria, but not very often and definitely not as organized as your event looks like on your website. There might be similar events happening, but probably smaller or more casual. Or maybe it’s just me getting old while I’m writing. But I can imagine what kind of atmosphere you’re trying to create at your events. People want to go out, have fun and enjoy themselves without having to worry about any other issues than being merry with their friends. No long lines at bars, no waiting for drinks or anything else like that. Just good music, good food and good company – all in one place!

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