The World's Most Powerful Information Processing System, 

MAPPER Systems

Empowering End Users To Design Major Computer Applications. 

Proven in a $3 Billion Worldwide Customer Base.

The merger of Sperry with Burroughs created the $7 Billion UNISYS Corporation. Unisys renamed MAPPER Systems Business Information Server, BIS.

The BIS System originally named the MAPPER System and was successfully marketed by Sperry Corporation. At the peak of the success of Sperry MAPPER marketing, The MAPPER System, $3 Billion, world market was created & translated in over 15 countries and languages. 

The merger of Sperry with Burroughs created the $7 Billion UNISYS Corporation. Unisys renamed MAPPER Systems Business Information Server, BIS.

                                      Thereby blocking access to the $3 Billion MAPPER Systems 

                                                    history & international customer data base.

At the time of the Unisys Corp. merger, its value was $7 Billion. Today Unisys is valued at less than $0.1/4 Billion because it disregards the potential of User Design of Major Applications proven by the International $3 Billion MAPPER Systems Customer base. 

By Unisys renaming MAPPER Systems, Business Information, BIS, Unisys blocked access to the $3 Billion MAPPER Systems international customer data base,  history, as well as the proven ability of Major Application Design by Users

Professional Data Processing Organizations opposed the concept that Non DP Users can develop Major Computing Applications with MAPPER (BIS) Systems. This opposition occurred frequently in the parent Univac and Sperry Corporations and at many of the Customer Systems. Opposition was overcome by the examples of User Application design at the eight Sperry Factories, the 1st MAPPER System Customer, Santa Fe Railway & the International $3 Billion MAPPER Systems Customer base.  

Advertising is limited to only the Unisys Corporate name. No advertising is provided for the proven BIS MAPPER Systems.

The universal potentials for computer productivity with BIS MAPPER Real-Time Report / File Processing is

 End User Empowering, Unprecedented, Unequaled and Unlimited.

To achieve this full potential. the BIS MAPPER System must be OWNED by a Company

focused on accomplishing  the USER potential of this this new computing dimension.


150 + Information Processing Power Tools (Functions) such as Search, Sort, Match, Calculate with over 700 options + real-time execution without programming or compilation. They can be used on a shared, electronic filing cabinet report / file database. Full, automatic data base management, backup (history), Military level security, performance and application development and monitoring tools are automatically provided for effective service and End User Application design administration.

 History: Sperry MSD MAPPER System 

  The Sperry Computer Manufacturing Operation in Roseville MN originated the concept of     User Designed Report  Processing, an RPS System. Dumb (not PC) terminals were used.   This evolved to   become the largest,   primary, operational system example of effective use and user driven computing potential.  

  The 1100/92 IS&C MSD production system in the factory in Roseville. This MSD system  provided MAPPER  proving the potential of  BIS MAPPER Information processing. 


The Sperry MSD MAPPER system supported over 1,300 applications, 99 percent of which were designed by non DP users. It had about 20 million lines in the on-line database. There were 3,700 + registered users on this system, 540 of which were registered as RUN (Application) Designers). A typical day would see over 500,000 manual function starts with an additional 405,000 + function starts under control of 90,000 + RUN application executions. Over 355 million lines of Report data were processed in such a day of service.

 Average MAPPER .S.system response times for the manual functions and RUN executions, was ~ 0.4 seconds. Over 7,000 terminals were registered for use on this system. Any prime time, instantaneous sample will show over 1,000 users signed on using the system. This is a mixed computing environment system. Besides the MAPPER service, background batch COBOL applications and transaction processing were also done on the MSD system.


This system demonstrated the end result of many years of MAPPER System service evolution in the Roseville factory. The services were carefully justified and provided extremely good return on investments. It is estimated that this service provided annual savings of over $35 Million per year over alternate Reporting methods.


Its story is a strong testimony and example to the efficiency and potential of well promoted and coordinated, user-designed, MAPPER (BIS) Real-Time Report Processing System services.


4th, NEXT GENERATION, User Driven Computing. This method is fully documented in Chapter 16 in the System Book (see below).

The BIS Real-Time Report / File Processing Systems provide powerful, new information processing   methods for users.  They provide real-time, shared reporting / filing databases and the ability to process reports / files without programming, without compiling, all in one system.  With these capabilities, executed in real-time, users turn report / file data into real operation control information.  Some of the characteristics of Real-time Report / File Processing systems are:

Unprecedented Productivity Potential - Real-time Report / File Processing systems have greater computer user productivity potential than typical industry Search, Word Processing, Spread Sheet and User Group Ware systems because BIS Real-Time Report / File Processing includes these capabilities plus a common secure database and much more, all in one system..  

Electronic File Cabinet Report Database - Real-time Report Processing  users view and easily understand the on-line database as electronic file cabinets with reports stored as folders (Files) within drawers, Types of information

The market consisted of: 

 MAPPER 1100 Main Frame Systems 1,500 USA

 MAPPER 1100 Main Frame Systems 1,000 International 

MAPPER 1100 Main Frame Systems 500 Japan

 MAPPER 5 Mid Frame Systems 600 

UNIX MAPPER Systems 4,300 

Personal (PC) Mapper Systems 6,500 

The MAPPER System World Registered Terminals 935,000

 Registered Users 1,031,000 

RUN Script Application Designers 77,000 

Active Applications 1,169,000 

Reports On-Line  71,500,000 

Stored Lines of Data 14 Billion 

Lines Processed Per Day 61 Billion Transactions 


Representative MAPPER Customers At That Time


Sperry, Unisys, 8 manufacturing plants

 General Telephone & Electronics, 

McDonnell Douglas, Nike 


The total Santa Fe RR was The 1st MAPPER System customer, Details in the Book below.

 Northwest Airlines, 

America West Airlines 


Subaru of America, King Bearing, Kesko


Circle K, Floral Network


Union Bank of Switzerland, TS Bank


National Life, Kansas City Life 


Bechtel Corporation

 Sargent & Lundy 

Energy Production

 Northern States Power, 

Kansas City Power & Light


Walt Disney Enterprises, 

Carnival Cruise Lines 

Federal, State and City Government, Many Departments

 State of Minnesota, Westchester County NY, 

Hillsborough County FL, 

California and NYC Welfare Systems.

 Military Branches 

US Army, Navy and Air Force 

 The US Air Force had the most MAPPER (BIS) Systems.


MAPPER Systems and Unisys Corporation

Because of Sperry MAPPER System profits, Burroughs and Sperry Corporations merged to form Unisys Corporation. A $7 Billion Computer Campany. MAPPER Systems obtained from Sperry were renamed by Unisys, Business Information Server, BIS. Even though the $3 Billion MAPPER System market profits helped finance the takeover. 

Burroughs promoted its "4GL" product, LINC, a COBOL Program code generator over BIS. At that time, Unisys did not want to promote the MAPPER System market, stating "LINC was their 4GL product". Eventually, it became understood that BIS and LINC were truly different systems, aimed at different markets. So BIS was then finally designated a Unisys System Product.  

Unisys Corporation. A $7 Billion Computer Campany at the time of the merge, today is valued at less than $0.4 Billion because it disregards the potential of NEXT GENERATION User Design of Major Applications proven by the International $3 Billion MAPPER Systems Customer base. 

By Unisys renaming MAPPER Systems, Business Information, BIS, Unisys  blocked and abandonded access to the $3 Billion MAPPER Systems customer history as well as the Multi $ Billion proven potential of Major Application Design by Users. This is one of the greatest strategic errors in the history of computing.

Considering the exceptional functional capabilities, ease-of-use, performance, networking, security, administrative controls, system auditing, recovery, history provision, etc., the BIS MAPPER system is far superior, a giant step beyond any 4GL model of computer use.  It supports the NEXT GENERATION, “1st Language” for Major USER Designed Applications. 

Since1968, 45 functional system releases have been made, almost every year since then, giving it functional richness, which is unequaled in the industry. BIS MAPPER is the World’s most powerful information processing, productivity system.

User designed, Real-time Information Processing applications have enormous productivity potential and are applicable in the operation of all businesses and institutions from the smallest to the largest. Such productivity and upward compatibility across systems provide enormous tactical and competitive advantages. No other IT vendors offer in one user executable, integrated, system scalable, high productivity real-time, 4GL software system :

 BIS MAPPER Functionality is available across a wide range of industry systems

A user-driven set of >150 Information Power Tools (functions) with over 700 options

A Real-time Report / File Processing RUN application development script (no compile) language is provided for rapid, structured, window-based application development by application experienced users or application programming professionals.

A Real-time, User designed, Report Structured Database with interfaces to industry standard databases.

 Extensive screen, edit and application code generation

Client-Server Networking across a range of system sizes and vendors

                   Internet Integration and accessibility

A full set of system, user and database security controls 

 Upward application compatibility from MS Windows PC’s to Mid-frame and Main-frame industry systems.

                    Unisys Main frame OS 2200 ClearPath systems

Microsoft Windows PC Systems

LINUX Red Hat and SUSE Systems

SUN Solaris

Interfaces are available to create application that integrate the  BIS MAPPER System capabilities and database with industry relational database systems such as:


Object Database Connectivity (ODBC),; relational data access through Microsoft NET   Framework,

OLEDB; A Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding Database

Messaging; Websphere MQ peer to peer Message Queuing and Microsoft Messaging

These modernization concepts were included:

+ A modern Graphic User Interface (GUI Point & Click)    look and feel for control of the interactive Information  Power Tools (Functions}

     + A modern real time application development environment.

+GUI, Unified system and database administration utilities.

+ Tools to aid in modernization of existing applications.

+ Expanding interoperability with industry software environments.

    + Improved Internet operability and integration

 BIS MAPPER systems have  been Web enabled with   the ICE Internet Commerce Enabler. BIS-ICE is a software integration solution that allows organizations to manage dynamic Internet Web services on a corporate Intranet or the public Internet and World Wide Web.

 In 1986, With the Unisys $7 Billion (now less than $0.4 Billion) merger, it was named "Business Information Server", Also, BIS is not an ideal name since it was also extensively used by State and National Governments and The Military, not only by businesses.

Unisys Corporation is an American global information technology company based in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, that provides IT services, software, and technology. At the time of the Unisys merger, its value was $7 Billion. Currently It is only ~$0.4 Billion because it does not promote the concept of Major User Designed Applications as it was used to create the $3 Billion, International Sperry MAPPER (BIS)  International customer base.

          The Unisys: Business Information Server BIS Brochure 

The Unisys PDF Brochure describes BIS as: "A Database. Scripting language. Decision-support tool. Dynamic and secure, with the flexibility to access common external databases and run on popular operating systems. It is Web-enabled for remote access. It’s a highly scalable, multimode, enterprise-level rapid application development and information access tool built to support business-critical solutions."

The BIS Brochure (made available in 2021) does not mention BIS's most distinguishing, proven capability; its ability to allow and support User Design of Major Applications. This was proven in a Market worth more than $3 Billion which was established by Sperry Corporation. BIS is available from Unisys Corporation; but is not strongly, specifically marketed for Major User Designed Applications as it was in making the Sperry Corporation market.  

   Unisys BIS Business Information Server Market Potentials 

Real-time Information Processing Systems have a $ Multi Billion market potential if promoted as it was to make the $3 Billion Sperry MAPPER Market. Its USER Application Design empowerment would ceate a Next Generation Industry Dimension in computing. 

No other software offers the functional richness and user empowerment potential of User designed BIS Real-Time Information Processing Applications.  It was this potential that drove Sperry Corporation successes to a $3 Billion International (translated in 15 languages) installed MAPPER System market base.   This created earnings which eventually prompted the Unisys Burroughs-Sperry merger.  This created Unisys, the largest $7 Billion Computer Corporation at the time.  Today it is only a ~$0.4 Billion valued company because it has abonded,  ignores the installed international historic MAPPER Systems base. 

Unisys offers no BIS Marketing or Advertising. Only The Unisys name is advertised on the PGA. Using those advertising funds to promote BIS User Application Design would have much greater returns.

In 2021,Unisys offered a 3 Page PDF BIS Brochure as part of Clearpath Products.

For the current Unisys BIS brochure see:

 br_180032_businessinformationserver.pdf (

Unisys also offers: 

Download a Free Evaluation Copy of Unisys Business Information Server.

 A 90-Day Evaluation Copy for Non-Production Use is Available for 

Windows PC, UNIX Mid Frames or Main Frames

eb_220158_clearpathforward.pdf ( 

BIS, A New Computing Dimension; 

Major Application Design by Users.

  For History & User Design Method & Books SEE:

Book: Major Computer Application Design By End Users

Book: Powerful 4GL Information Processing Secret System

Book: Evolutionary Computing Application Design

For Info: Louis Schlueter  Ph 651 484 8932


Consult: Mathew Schlueter 


Ph 651 392 2116

 The proven appeal of Real-time Information Processing  Capabilities  by proper advertising promotion of Real-time Information Processing Systems could have a  $Multi Billion market potential. Its USER empowerment would ceate a NEW computer industry dimension.

The possibilities for exploitation of the extensive BIS system capabilities are truly unlimited. 

The question is, who will take advantage of these marketing possibilities? 

If the potential of USER BIS Product Marketing is disregarded, it will be one of the greatest $$ opportunity misses in history.  Properly executed it can be one of the greatest computer industry $$ successes!  

With a NEXT GENERATION, No Compile,

Evolutionary Design Language

applications can begin and evolve to any level.
