Ghe Pensi Mi

Greta Beretta, Sofia Canini, Giorgia Luoni, Giulia Tunesi

Ours is a family- run company based in Milan which works hard to satisfy its customers since 1897.Our new generation has completely changed our style and transformed it into a more modern and minimal one.However, our symbol has never changed. The cathedral is the symbol of Milan, and we want our customers to be mesmerized in front of our products as people are when they see the Cathedral for the first time.Finally, our name, Ghe Pensi Mi literally means " I'll take care of that" and we chose this well known milanese dialectal expression to convey the attention we put in taking care of the customers' personal requests, which is the reason why our company was founded, taking care of people and the place they feel safer, home.
Ghe Pensi MI meeting

