About the project

Youth Exchange

12–23 September 2022

Vatra Dornei, Romania

Business Makers is an international youth exchange project created based on a partnership
of 8 organizations from EU countries:
Romania, Spain, Croatia, Bulgaria, Lithuania,
Latvia,Poland, Czech Republic.

The project has a period of 10 days dedicated to the implementation of activities between 12–23 September 2022 (2 travel days included). The location for activities is Vatra Dornei, a small picturesque mountain resort in the Carpathian Mountains of Northern Romania.

The group present at the activities will consist of 40 young people betwaeen the ages of 18 and 30 and 8 group leaders who will have no age limit, a total of 48 persons.

We need 5 young participants (18-30 years old) and 1 group leader (above 18, no superior age limit) from each of the mentioned countries – 6 persons per country.

„Business Makers” will empower young people express their wildest ideas and to structure them in the form of a business. This will also be the opportunity for the youngsters to improve their skills in networking, to understand how to structure their ideas in a manner that can be presented to possible investors and to learn how to promote their ideas.

The main objective of „Business Makers” is to make the participants more acquainted with the business environment in the country where they live and to make them understand that putting turning your ideas into reality is not such an impossible endeavor. Going beyond the creation the businesses, the participants will learn how to make a marketing campaign, process that will end with the composure of a series of commercial that serve as a promotion outlet for products or services that the participants want to put on the market.

During the 10 activity days youth exchange, the youth will be starting a journey in which they will try to find their passion, to connect, to learn about team-work, to form a network that will help them materialize their ideas and to become young entrepreneurs that know how to promote the concepts that they created.

The program of activities was built in such a way as to allow introduction into the topic, leading gradually to fulfilling project’s objectives. We will use the following non-formal methods: name, getting to know each other and team building games, educational games, surveys and street interviews, interactive presentation methods, analysis and self-evaluation methods, brainstorming, mental maps, graphic facilitation, group discussions, debate, open space, public speaking, hiking, role-playing, teamwork, photo voice.