Top 6 Reasons to Choose the University of Essex for Business and Finance Degrees | AHZ Associates

Degrees in business and finance are extremely competitive disciplines that provide access to a wide range of opportunities as soon as you leave the university. You gain a variety of transferable skills from these degree programmes, which can help you quickly establish yourself as a valuable addition for any organisation.

However, if you can pick the best University to pursue a degree programme in business and finance, you'll be able to take advantage of these advantages. The University of Essex is the ideal institution in the UK to study business and finance.

The University of Essex enables students to realise their full potential while learning cutting-edge ideas they can apply right away thanks to its top-notch teaching and research facilities. As a result, the University of Essex is among the top venues in the UK to broaden your knowledge and acquire practical business experience.

Discover all the main factors that make the University of Essex an excellent choice for students interested in studying Business and Finance degrees by reading on.

Why University of Essex is best for study Business and Finance Degree

There are several reasons to select the University of Essex's Business and Finance programme.

1. Exceptional Rating

The University of Essex's inclusion in the top 40 universities in the United Kingdom is one of the most important factors in deciding where to pursue your business and finance degree. Additionally, the University was named the 2018 University of the Year. It also has the 22nd-highest research intensity for business and management studies degrees in the UK.

The University of Essex is one of the most sought-after university options for a business and finance degree due to its outstanding rankings.

2. State-of-the-Art Campuses and Facilities

The University of Essex has state-of-the-art campuses and facilities at both of its locations, including the Colchester and Southend Campuses, which is another reason you should pick it for a business and finance degree.

The Essex Business School is the first business school in the UK to be carbon neutral, and it has a beautiful, state-of-the-art campus on the Colchester Campus. The campus is an environmentally friendly solution for all students who care about the environment thanks to its abundance of plants and strict regulations on air quality. A component of the university's effort to promote sustainable business practises is the zero-carbon campus.

The winter garden, which acts as a welcoming area for international students, is one of the other notable aspects of the Essex Business School on the Colchester Campus. The students' mental health is supported by the setting of the winter garden's lush greenery. Additionally, the campus has a Bloomberg Trading Floor where students can access financial data nearly instantly. Students can learn how to trade while developing firm profiles with the use of the data.

The Innovation Centre is another characteristic that sets the Colchester Campus apart. The goal of this facility is to give young pupils a supportive setting in which they can carry out their ambitious business ambitions.

The Innovation Centre is another characteristic that sets the Colchester Campus apart. The goal of this facility is to give young pupils a supportive setting in which they can carry out their ambitious business ambitions. The facility is made to turn out a student body of young, aspirational businesspeople who can benefit society.

Let's say you visit the university's Southend Campus, which is the other campus. In that case, you'll be surprised to learn that the campus also personifies enterprise and innovation. Additionally, the campus offers students access to the library and study rooms, which are operational and available around-the-clock.

The University of Essex is ranked third in the UK for investment in facilities and student services, which is a good enough reason to consider the University of Essex as a choice of university for a business and finance degree given the facilities that the cutting-edge campuses of the university offer to its students.

3. Professionally Accredited Degrees

The fact that their degrees are professionally approved is one of the biggest benefits that students experience when they enrol in a business and finance degree programme at the University of Essex.

The University of Essex grants degrees that have been approved by professional organisations, indicating that these degrees are current and will teach you the most up-to-date skills needed to succeed in the workplace.

Additionally, professionally certified degrees imply that you may be able to apply your degree studies to a second professional certification through a registered professional student body. Students have the opportunity to advance in their careers considerably more quickly as a result. Additionally, it gives students access to the university's network of top professional organisations.

4. Exposure to Real-World Experience and Knowledge

You have many options for work placement when you pursue a business and finance degree at the Essex Business School. Additionally, every work experience offers a worthwhile chance to put your academic learning and knowledge to use in the actual business world.

Additionally, as overseas students are exposed to knowledge and experience from the real world, they grow in their ability to think critically, solve problems, and lead others.

5. Offers Exceptional Support to Students

While the University of Essex stands out from the competition for a variety of reasons, one of its standout qualities is the superb student assistance and counselling it offers to its students.

The institution holds a number of activities that show off the culture of support it provides to its students. The University provides various facilities to improve students' skills and increase their likelihood of finding a better potential employment as soon as they finish the programme, including workshops, training sessions, mentorship, and study skills modules.

In addition to helping students develop the skills needed for the workplace, the University also supports entrepreneurial students who receive assistance from the team at Essex Startup. The group organises a number of financing contests, seminars, and boot camps to give aspiring businesspeople the knowledge and experience they require to pursue their goals after earning their degrees.

6. Inclusion and Equality

The University of Essex adheres to the ideals of inclusivity and equality and makes an effort to integrate these two crucial tenets into every facet of the academic experience. The University provides a secure atmosphere that strives to be the best place to work, regardless of gender, employment history, nationality, or race.

Students can develop into more socially and gender-aware business leaders who continue to achieve in a variety of sectors according to the ideals on which the institution is founded.

Choose the University of Essex for a Business and Finance Degree and Shape Your Future

AHZ Associates can assist you if you're interested in picking a Business and Finance degree programme at the University of Essex. We provide support at every stage to make sure your admission to Essex University is a smooth process.

Get in contact with us right now to learn more about how AHZ Associates can help you obtain admission so that you can attend the University of Essex.