The 1750's

  • Key Leaders include King George II of England, King Louis XV of France, King Ferdinand VI of Spain, King Frederick II of Prussia, and Queen Elizabeth of Russia.
  • The population of the world is around 800 million.
  • The population of New York City is around 18,000.
  • Almost one in four people in the Colonies are slaves.
  • The Currency Act of 1751 prohibited the issue of new bills of credit by New England colonies.
  • Benjamin Franklin’s kite flying experiment proves that lightning is electricity.
  • The French and Indian War begins in 1754 when 22 year-old George Washington leads a militia from the Colony of Virginia in an ambush on a force of 35 French Canadians.
  • The Albany Congress of seven northern colonies proposes an American Union in 1754.
  • Columbia University is founded in 1754.
  • The Seven Years' War formally begins in 1756, when Great Britain declares war on France.
  • Fort Oswego falls to the French in 1756.
  • The Thirteen Colonies under British control raise a provincial militia of 20,000 men to attack French forts in Western New York and Canada in 1759.