Welcome! I am a plant-microbial ecologist, with additional roles as an educator, bioinformatician, statistician, and proponent for the advancement of sustainable practices. My research primarily centers on the examination of the evolutionary dynamics among microbial composition and their interaction with the host plants. I have conducted a comprehensive investigation into microbiome dynamics and interactions across diverse ecological contexts, encompassing both natural and intensive agricultural environments, employing advanced molecular biology methodologies and microscopic analyses. In addition, I employed statistical and mechanistic models to effectively incorporate large data and get a deeper comprehension of the evolutionary dynamics shown by these microbes within their respective environments.  I have also conducted research on a Chinese wheat farm in the Yucheng region of Shandong Province, and the purpose of the study was to investigate the dynamic response of soil nutrients and enzyme activities under various perturbations. Above all, I see myself as a scientist and educator, committed to serving students from diverse ethnic, gender, and age groups, I possess a fervent dedication towards effecting global transformation through the pursuit of scientific inquiry, as well as through the dissemination of knowledge to individuals both within and outside the confines of formal educational settings. I have a strong affinity for actively participating in community engagement and fostering inclusivity in endeavors related to sustainability and scientific exploration.