Welcome to Social Media Marketing

social media icons

Course Overview

This course focuses on the use of Social Media in marketing.

Class Environment: BUS 231 is taught entirely online on the Canvas course management system. 

Courses in 2024:

There is NO required textbook. Hooray!
However we will use the Stukent Mimic Social platform - $69. 

Student Learning Outcomes 

Cuesta's class finder is located at https://ssb2.cuesta.edu/StudentRegistrationSsb/ssb/term/termSelection?mode=search  and registration information can be found at http://www.cuesta.edu/admissionsaid/apply/register/ 

The class is highly interactive, with hands-on assignments and plenty of discussion and sharing, in an atmosphere of creative FUN. Please expect to log in several times per week and spend approximately 10 hours a week interacting with course materials and other students (and your instructor) as well as working somewhat independently on assignments. You MUST log in and complete all first week assignments by the posted due dates, or risk being dropped from class. You will receive an email from me prior to the first week of class with more specific details.

An online class is not easier than a class held on campus; even though the class is more convenient to your schedule, it does require a lot of responsible interaction with your classmates, and monitoring your time to complete weekly assignments on time. Students enjoy a strong community atmosphere in class, and very personalized and useful projects, culminating in a final portfolio of various Social Media examples. 

Is Online Learning a good choice for you?

Please visit https://www.cuesta.edu/academics/distance/survey.html to determine if online learning is a good fit for your learning style, lifestyle and technology expertise.

Disabled Student Programs & Services

If you need assistive technology help, or if you have any special needs, please contact our DSP&S department.

College and Course Policies

Cuesta policy for drops - if you are dropping the course on your own: http://cuesta.edu/student/studentservices/admrreg/arpolicies/dropcourse.html

In addition to the policies stated above, further information about my drop policy is found in the welcome letter you'll receive prior to the start of class.

Academic honesty policy (link to Cuesta policy, including Student Code of Conduct, Student Computer Technology Access Agreement: Academic Honesty)

Cuesta waitlist procedure and instructions:

Waitlist user guide (pdf)

Access the Canvas/Course Website(s) at https://cuesta.instructure.com/ 

Tech support info for Canvas:


Other resources you will find useful:

The successful student will have strong organization skills, will be a responsive and responsible member of a team, and will complete work on time. 

Computer requirements: You must have access to a computer (current generation Mac or PC) with Microsoft Word, and a reliable Internet connection. This page will describe browser requirements/minimum computer specifications in order to be prepared for this course. You will also need to have a backup plan in case your internet provider or computer is unavailable, your digital pet eats your homework, your neighbor steals your bandwidth, or your roommate steals your laptop. [I suggest a removable/portable drive, a dropbox account, and a googled map of the nearest internet cafe.] All of your assignments and quizzes will be submitted through the Canvas course environment. It is essential that you understand the basic concepts of email, web navigation and online communication to succeed in this course.