Clermont-Ferrand's first name was Augustonemetum, Latin for "sanctuary for Augustus", or Civitas Arvernorum (town of the Arverni people).[8] It originated on the central knoll where the cathedral is situated today, overlooking the capital of Gaulish Arvernis (fr). The fortified castle of Clarus Mons gave its name to the whole town in 848, to which the small episcopal town of Montferrand was attached in 1731, together taking the name of Clermont-Ferrand. The amalgamation of the two towns was decreed by Louis XIII and confirmed by Louis XV.[9] The old part of Clermont is delimited by the route of the ramparts as they existed at the end of the Middle Ages.

Clermont was the starting point of the First Crusade, in which Christendom sought to conquer Muslim-ruled Jerusalem. Pope Urban II called for the crusade in 1095 at the Second Council of Clermont. In 1120, following repeated crises between the counts of Auvergne and the bishops of Clermont and in order to counteract the clergy's power, the counts founded the rival city of Montferrand on a mound next to the fortifications of Clermont, on the model of the new cities of the Midi that appeared in the 12th and 13th centuries. Until the early modern period, the two remained separate cities: Clermont, an episcopal city; Montferrand, a comital one.

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Clermont became a royal city in 1551, and in 1610, the inseparable property of the French Crown. On 15 April 1630 the Edict of Troyes (the First Edict of Union) joined the two cities of Clermont and Montferrand. This union was confirmed in 1731 by Louis XV with the Second Edict of Union. At this time, Montferrand was no more than a satellite city of Clermont, and it remained so until the beginning of the 20th century. Wishing to retain its independence, Montferrand made three demands for independence, in 1789, 1848, and 1863.

In the 20th century, the construction of the Michelin factories and of city gardens, which shaped modern Clermont-Ferrand, united the two cities, although two distinct downtowns survive and Montferrand retains a strong identity.

Take a step back in time by exploring the medieval quarter of Montferrand. This charming neighborhood, which was once a separate town, boasts narrow cobblestone streets, timber-framed houses, and a tranquil atmosphere. Stroll through its historic lanes and discover the timeless beauty of Montferrand. Experience the medieval quarter's allure in Clermont-Ferrand.

While Montferrand was founded in the early twelfth century by the Counts of Auvergne on the model of fortified cities in the Southwest, Clairmont is much older, as it existed in ancient times. The earliest mention of the existence of Clairmont contained in the work of Strabo, the early first century. The city was then known Nemossos described as a "metropolis of Arvernes." She later took the name of Augustonemetum then Arverni.

The ibis Clermont-Ferrand Montferrand hotel is ideally located for your business or leisure trips. We offer comfortable, quiet and practical rooms; fully equipped, air-conditioned meeting rooms; free fiber WIFI, and 2 parking lots. Our quality breakfast buffet is a treat every morning. Enjoy French cuisine in our Courtepaille Comptoir restaurant or on the terrace, or relax in our Bar Lounge.

Dear Guest, we are open and have preventive measures in place to ensure your safety. Our restaurant Comptoir Courtepaille will welcome you for lunch & dinner, in the dining room or the terrace. Our property is certified ALLSAFE. This ensures that our hygiene and prevention measures meet the highest standards developed and verified by Bureau Veritas. See you soon! The ibis Clermont-Ferrand Montferrand team

The Montferrand La Fontaine" tramway transit station is a 300 meters walk away and will take you in the heart of the city of Clermont-Ferrand in few minutes. So you can leave your car safely on the private car park of the hotel and enjoy your stay in the Auvergne region with complete peace of mind.

The city has 2 old centres. The one around the cathedral, where a few witnesses of the Gothic and Renaissance periods survive, such as the Savaron and Fontfreyde mansions, and the one in Montferrand, to the north-east of the city. The latter is one of the oldest protected sectors in France, forgotten by the city's constant expansion and remodelling. So much so that it can be found in its "juice" of 1630 with its private residences, lanes, sculptures, doors, balustrades, pavements...

Originally it was two separate towns. On the top of the hill, Clermont grew up around the Gothic cathedral of volcanic lava, whilst on the Limagne plain below, the medieval town of Montferrand was founded by the Counts of Auvergne.

Le rseau de transports clermontois est exploit par la rgie EPIC T2C et gr par le SMTC. Le 1er janvier 2013, T2C a chang de statut juridique, passant de celui de socit d'conomie mixteĀ  celui d'tablissement publicĀ  caractre industriel et commercial[31].

Une chanson humoristique a t compose par Jean Maupoint sur Clermont, La Tiretaine[213]. C'est une petite valse romantique rendant hommageĀ  l'ponyme rivire clermontoise, qui a longtemps servi d'gout communal. 2351a5e196

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