About Us

Elder law attorneys are lawyers specializing in the legal issues that accompany caring for an aging parent. They must understand a variety of laws that may apply to the situation. These attorneys should also be compassionate and have experience dealing with family members in times of crisis. These attorneys may also be called on to represent people whose health has declined significantly. The following are some tips to choose an elder law attorney.

Find out if the attorney you are considering specializes in your area of need. Make sure the attorney can explain what they will charge you for the initial consultation. You can't know the final fee until they study your needs. A good attorney will be transparent about fees and their costs. After all, you don't want to be surprised by a surprise bill that you don't understand. Also, ask how much they charge for a typical case.

Long-term care insurance is another consideration. If your spouse is receiving long-term care, the insurance can help cover the expenses. The premiums can increase depending on your age, health, and preexisting conditions. Elder Law Attorney Naples Fl can help you plan for this and make the best financial arrangements. In some cases, Medicaid may provide partial funding for care. But the attorney should also keep in mind that there are five levels of appeal. If you have limited assets, an elder law attorney can help you navigate through this process.

A durable power of attorney helps you make decisions in cases of incapacitation. It enables the designated person to make important medical and financial decisions for the elderly. The appointment can alleviate tension between family members and gives the caregiver direction when needed. In addition to this, word-of-mouth is a good way to find a good attorney. Ask friends and family members who have hired an elder law attorney to help them with their legal needs.

Burzynski Elder Law