As they made their way through the paved area leading out to the sidestreet, where a carriage was awaiting them, a sturdy, roughly cladfellow in a red wig and croppy beard suddenly slouched out of a gloomycorner near the stage stairway and followed them, with movements asstealthy and silent as those of a cat.

"It would be revoked at the request of our mutual friend, Mr. RufusVenner, to whom I presently shall explain my conduct, and also imploreyour own pardon, seora, for having made you the mark of my veryunworthy suspicions," cried Nick, with a sudden dramatic display ofdignity and confidence.

Sudden Strike 4 1.00.19037 (14096)


Yet Nick was too shrewd to press him with questions, and so perhapsbetray his own hand. As a matter of fact, the famous detective was inquite a quandary over the case, because of his conviction that some biggame was secretly afoot, and his utter inability to strike any tangibleclew to it.

Near her, upon the grass, lay a piece of brown wrapping paper, and ayard of two of string, evidently removed from a small, square box, whichshe had dropped and partly fallen upon when stricken with sudden death.

"Do you know," said Nick, "I am seriously impressed that there is somestrange connection between this girl's death and that robbery atVenner's store. I believe that we have struck the very clew, or areabout to strike it, that we so long have been vainly seeking."

"I dreamed that I saw a grave near which I was standing suddenly beginto open, as if a living being were pushing up the ground from within.Then I saw a fleshless hand appear above the disturbed sods. Then asightless human skull thrust itself forth, and presently, filling mewith a terror I cannot describe, the entire skeleton emerged from thepartly open grave, and arose and approached me."

"Several facts," explained Nick. "The girl's sudden death seemedpeculiar. The jewel casket beside her was empty, at once suggesting thatsomething had been removed or fallen from it. Yet nothing was to befound."

Then, struck with a sudden recollection, he turned and snatched anevening paper from a pocket of his coat, which he had tossed on a chair.He had recalled certain leader lines which had caught his eye earlier inthe evening, yet which he then had not had sufficient interest tofollow.

The terrific downward speed suddenly decreased, then became moregradual, all in the bare fraction of a second; and then the rushingsound of compressed air escaping through narrow crevices fell upon thedetective's ears.

Then the crash of a heavy door, suddenly closed, and the shooting ofbolts, told him that Cervera had prevented pursuit for a time at least,and Chick swung round to the open well, to see if Nick needed him.

"Diamonds may be made from coal," said he. "The fact that I should havegot hold of a piece in the road here, while tracking that diamondswindler in search of his house, strikes me as being rather odd."

The dusk of evening was already deepening to darkness, a gloom morenoticeable far up in the heavens than among the myriad of lights in thecity streets. For not a star was visible in the murky sky, and away inthe west huge banks of inky clouds were sweeping up toward the zenith,indicating the rapid approach of a sudden storm.

One part of the focus on positive cloud-to-ground lightning in STEPS was to determine which regions provide charge for them. Most cloud-to-ground flashes during the balloon flight were positive ground flashes. None of these positive ground flashes had channels mapped by the LMA near the balloon in both time and space, but several had channels within roughly 5 km of the balloon trajectory. The altitudes at which horizontal negative channels (presumably propagating in positive thunderstorm charge) were mapped in this region are shown in Table 1, along with the approximate ground strike location relative to the balloon trajectory. Almost all of these positive cloud-to-ground flashes struck ground in the heavy precipitation north or east of the balloon launch location or in the somewhat weaker reflectivity east of the precipitation core; none struck ground in the vicinity of the strong inflow to the updraft.

The extent of the layoffs and the sudden shuttering of PDI/DreamWorks (which started in 1980 as Pacific Data Images) took most of the animation industry by surprise. Artists at PDI reacted admirably, as reported by Kevan Shorey on Twitter:

The collapse of Skase's business empire and his sudden departure for Spain in late 1989 almost resulted in the end of the club. Over the ensuing preseason the players threatened strike action, but Cronin resigned, the club was taken over by the AFL, re-sold to Gold Coast hospitality businessman Reuben Pelerman, and the crisis was averted.

I do not know the date of this anonymous treatise, but a less elaborate, and probably the fundamental, version is to be found in Ibn 'Idhri 3 , who says simply   , a phrase which has been the basis of statements to the effect that ' Abd al-Ramn II was the first to strike coins at Cordoba 4 , and further carelessly extended to signify that he was the first to issue coinage in Spain . It would seem to me that what Ibn 'Idhri intended was only that ' Abd al-Ramn II took over, or took possession of, the mint at Cordoba ; that is, that the existing mint, which had not formerly been under direct governmental supervision was transferred to the administration in line with other executive reforms accomplished under that prince's rule. With so much of the report, and so interpreted, there is no problem. If we look for some reflection of the event in the coinage itself, it may be that we can find it in the reform that created style B in the year 229 A. H. 1 .

The troublesome but interesting question of the etymology of the name al-Andalus (= Andalusia ) is not of primary concern in the present monograph. Dozy in 1881 summed up the research and theory to that date in his Recherches 4 . Convenient modern statements of the problem are to be found in C. F. Seybold's article in the Encyclopaedia of Islm 5 , and in Cagigas' monograph entitled " al-Andalus " in the journal by the same name 1 . The heretofore commonly accepted derivation, Vandalicia, a hypothetical name presumed to have been given to the peninsula by the Vandals, is now discredited. Certainly we have our earliest documentary evidence of the use of the name in the Arabic legends (not the Latin legends, where Spania is the name) of the bilingual coins of the year 98 A. H. As for the Arab historians 2 , they say that al-Andalus was the name of the peninsula 3 , later called the peninsula of arf ( arfah ,) opposite Tangier , where the Muslims first landed. The later geographers' pseudo-etymologizing ( Andalus , son of Tubal , son of Japhet ) follows in due course. But the fact remains that there is a void behind the sudden appearance of the name on the dinars of 98 A. H. Cagigas ' recently proposed theory is ingenious but certainly inconclusive. He argues that the many errors in the epigraphy as well as in the chronological indications 4 of the early Latin and bilingual types of Muslim Spain 5 suggest ignorance on the part of the die-engravers with respect to both the Arabic language and to Christian chronology. Were these artisans then Jews? 6 And were they the translators of "Spania" into " al-Andalus "? Very tentatively Cagigas suggests on the basis of some indications in Biblical neolithic toponymy that the root of the name al-Andalus might lie in Adna or Anda ( Eden ); or else that, as an exotic, perhaps bookish or pedantic, name it was brought into Spain across Africa from the East, whence came the first eminent ( i. e. , "literate) Muslims 7 . I should imagine that the explanation is to be found somewhere in the latter direction.

All Spanish Umayyad coins are struck with dies; I have seen no cast coins 1 . Examinaiion of nearly twenty-five hundred specimens reveals no systematic relationship between the position of obverse and reverse; in other words, fixed dies were not in use. Muling is indiscriminate; there are many cases of the interchange of dies, that is of the employment of several reverse dies with the same obverse, or vice versa 2 . But obverse and reverse dies were always carefully paired, for I have seen no flan bearing two obverses or two reverses; although I know of one case where the die-engraver (not the coin-striker) became confused and inscribed an obverse margin on the reverse die (no. 297 (y)), and another where he used the Qur'nic verse IX, 33, on both obverse and reverse (no. 351(d)). The number of dies must have been enormous, as I have pointed out elsewhere, and although the indications are that out-put was very large, it would appear that the life of a die, particularly that of the obverse (presumably the trussell) was short. be457b7860

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