About Us

The Burke Brown Steppe Genealogy Group (BBS) of Charlottesville and Albemarle County first met in November 1995, as the African American Genealogy Group (AAGG) at the offices of Region Ten Community Services, then on Market Street in Charlottesville. Twelve people attended the initial organizational meeting. Since 1996, the group has presented exhibits, which celebrate African American history and culture, with a focus on local history of the Charlottesville/Albemarle area and encourages people to recall and honor their ancestors. These exhibits have been displayed at numerous venues throughout Charlottesville/Albemarle including the annual Juneteenth and African American Cultural Arts Festival, at libraries, schools, community centers, and other community gathering places. The group also assists with research of other projects that add to community understanding. Copies of some of the group's research efforts have been placed in a section of the Charlottesville/Albemarle Historical Society's Collection located within the Historical Society's building. The name honors co-founders Caruso Brown, the late Julian Burke, and the late Blanche Steppe, who are pioneers of African American genealogy.

As an informal group, BBS supports its efforts by occasional fund raising, dues, and donations. The group meets at 12:00pm on the 3rd Saturday of each month, in the Isabella Gibbons local history center at the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center. Immediately prior to the meeting, from 10am until noon, BBS members are on site at the Heritage Center providing genealogy help sessions to the general public.