Jumeirah Beach Tours

Jumeirah Beach Tours

Running about 15 miles (25 kilometers) along Dubai's Farsi Gulf shore, Jumeirah Beach is a go-to for sun and breaker lovers. Titled after Dubai's nearby residential Jumeirah order, the beach extends from Jumeirah Mosque in the northern to Tree Jumeirah in the southernmost and includes of a tie of private sections and unrestricted beaches.

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The Basics

Lapped by quiet seas, Jumeirah Beach is hardbound by hotels, shops, and resorts. It commands broad views of Dubai's line and landmarks specified as the Burj Al Arab hotel. Hulking stretches are coarse to all-such as Jumeirah Overt Beach and Jumeirah Subject Beach-and are touristed with families, swimmers, and sports lovers. Holiday areas, playgrounds, shops, and restaurants bound numerous open areas. Facilities include showers, restrooms, and tender stations. The next Jumeirah running bar is none such for beachfront jogs and walks.

Most Dubai tours layover at Jumeirah Semipublic Beach for visitors to ask photos and savor the stellar look of the Burj Al Arabian. Hop-on hop-off buses also prevent here, allowing you to debark and enjoy the beach at leisure. For views of the beach against a scene of Dubai's skyscrapers, occasion out on a speedboat, Jet Ski, or Fly board.

Things to Know Before You Go

Jumeirah's beaches are must-visits for families, sun worshippers, and thing sports lovers.

Overcloud is in shortened supply, so wear a sun hat and plentifulness of cream.

Sun beds, umbrellas, and wet sports equipment can be rented on several unrestricted stretches.

Showers are available on galore semipublic beaches; several are clear to use and others impeach a fee.

Don't lose flip-flops. The sands can get hot underfoot.

How to Get There

Jumeirah Beach extends along Dubai's Gulf Coast no convergent to-but off-the D94, also illustrious as Jumeirah Means or Jumeirah Beach Traveling. With no tube devotion within sluttish strolling distance of the beaches northerly of the Touch Jumeirah, accessing the sands is easiest by taxi or hop-on-hop-off bus.

When to Get There

Same numerous Dubai attractions, Jumeirah overt beaches are the busiest Weekday, Fri, and Sat, especially during the farewell and day. To pound the crowds and heat-especially in dead summer-aim to see as immature as getable.

Tips for a Hassle-Free Visit

Most of Jumeirah people beaches are a trip to preserve but wait to pay for nearby parking. If you're impermanent Jumeirah Open Beach, locomote along the sands departed from the journeying bus stops and exposure survey points where crowds incline to sew.