About Us
PTO Board Members
Our mission is to make Burch an amazing place of learning. Thank you for being a part of this experience.
Robert J. Burch Elementary School 2024-2025 PTO Board
President, Tomia Hines - burchptopresident@gmail.com
Vice President, Brooke Quick - burchptovicepresident@gmail.com
Secretary, Rebekah Armstrong - burchptosecretary@gmail.com
Treasurer, Kedra Steave - burchptotreasurer@gmail.com
Member At Large, Genee Francis - burchptoatlarge@gmail.com
School Representative, Kela Mason - mason.kela@fcboe.org
Not sure whom to contact? The school office can assist you at 770-969-2820 .
The PTO Board members generally meet the first week of the month, in the conference room. Please let us know if you'd like to join us! Board Meeting Minutes will be made available online, or you can request a copy from the office.
If there is something you need assistance with in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to us or one of the other Burch Family members that you will often see volunteering. The PTO Board members also are available to answer questions you might have regarding the programs and other efforts we sponsor financially and/or through volunteers.