
Teaching is a big part of my life. I learn a ton from my students and I try to give them my all. 

Funnily, you can see me in a live discussion in this 360° tour of the Perimeter Institute.

I was one of the recipients of the Outstanding Graduate Instructor Award at UC Berkeley in 2022

I keep very close to my heart the axioms of the teaching of mathematics proposed by Colombian mathematician Federico Ardila. Here is a physical adaptation:

Physics 221 B: Quantum Mechanics II grad level (discussion 101/102): 

Discussion sections of this class will focus on solving the weekly homework assigned.

Notes for the special lecture I gave can be found here. Topological Chern-Simons terms, gauging, anomalies, modular transformations, statistic changes, domains of selfadjointness, and high-low temperature expansions, were briefly discussed using the particle in a circle example. This follows closely the lecture notes of Greg Moore.  

Statistical Mechanics Prelim Review

The notes can be found here. Please also review the problem sets and homework for the undergraduate course that can be found in the Previous Teaching tab. Feel free to email me at ivan_burbano@berkeley.edu if you have any questions about the problems.