The rest of the film centers around a group of Finnish friends, accompanied by three English speaking men, who are heading for a weekend at a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Soon they are attacked by a strange giant creature who appears to be half man and half rabbit and is after anything that resembles female genitals.[3]

Bunny the Killer Thing is a 2015 Finnish horror comedy about A group of Finnish friends heading for a weekend at a cabin in the middle of nowhere, and on their way are accompanied by three English speaking men. Soon they are attacked by a strange giant creature who appears to be half man and half rabbit and is after anything that resembles female genitals.

Bunny The Killer Thing Movie Download In Hindi


A group of seven Finnish young adults are heading to have a fun weekend at a cabin in the dark woods of Finland. By chance, three foreign men end up to the same cabin. The men seem to be hiding a secret. The party weekend at cabin becomes a game for life and death, when suddenly a weird creature attacks from forest to terrorize the people! The creature is half man, half rabbit, and it is after anything that resembles female genitals. The creature is Bunny the Killer Thing!

There are two sanctions of people, those who have seen the NSFW trailer for Bunny the Killer Thing and those who haven't and are living much simpler lives. If you're a part of the former odds are you'll know exactly what to expect from Joonas Makkonen's exceptionally bizarre film- outside of the premise that's been spread wide open for you above. It's not really about anything in particular and there's no easily distinguishable agenda aside from the unceremonious rape of any orifice that even slightly resembles a vagina- or shirt logo that mimics the female reproductive organ. It seems as though Makkonen's sole purpose when setting out to film this film is to make audiences endure the same fever dream he once had when he was tripping on any combination of illicit drugs.

From the opening scene one cannot possibly approach the rest of the film with a straight face. Not to mention that the end of the opening credit sequence features a crudely sketched bunny with a hard-on ejaculating all over the director's name. It doesn't get much more poetic from there. In fact, the most commonly used word in the film begins with a 'P' and rhymes with wussy. Even the actor's hardly seem in on the joke at times, though they seem to be trying their best to vomit out Makkonen's badly translated script in any combination of English and Finnish. If not for some gleeful and over-the-top gore effects the killer bunny's constant whipping around of its massive penis might have come off as masturbatory. Speaking of which, there are three separate scenes featuring a character who just can't stop touching himself (besides the killer bunny man) in which the masturbation sounds are entirely too....squishy.

A group of Finnish and British people get stuck to a cabin when a creature which is a half human, half rabbit, attacks on them. The creature is Bunny the Killer Thing, and it is after anything that is resembling female genitals.

With a tagline that says "It's After Your Pussy!" I naively thought it meant that it was a creature with an uncommon taste for your common household cat. But no... it's an inexplicably sex-crazed killer mutant rabbit-man.

So today I watched a horror video about a monster who runs around yelling "PUSSY." Then, to wash the taste of that Trump video out of my mouth, I watched this horror movie about a bunny monster who runs around yelling "PUSSY" while spinning his giant dick like a lasso. I'm pretty sure that Bunny the Killer Thing, like all good exploitation, is morally indefensible... but god help me, it made me laugh a lot. Also there is a very high level of violence against dicks in this movie, which is exactly the catharsis I needed after Trump's loathsome antics.

Tries REALLY hard to be either offensive or funny, I can't decide which, but it mostly ends up being boring and annoying. And then it kept going. Surprisingly, I smiled at a scene with a dude's severed penis stuck in some Cop's windshield...I guess I was desperate for something...

Wtf was that. What did the makers of this, this ... (I don't know what I should call the "seen") just smoked. You think you have already seen everything and then a cames this movie about a giant rabbit !!!, which rapes men and women around the area. More story? nope. Incredible, who the hell produces something like that.

Later the titular killer man-rabbit bursts into the cabin. In order to save herself, Nina cowardly pushes Vincent into the arms of the monster. She then finds Sara and insists that they hide underneath a boat. However, once there, Nina bashes Sara's head against the wood, slaps her, and then proceeds to rape her once more. The traumatic experience does not last long, though, as Bunny drags Nina out from the boat, breaks her neck, and then rapes her corpse.

This wildly un-PC horror-comedy follows the amorous adventures of a six foot tall sex- crazed rabbit who finds plenty of sexual conquests at a cabin in the woods inhabited by a group of Finns and some unsuspecting tourists. The young people, out to have a fun-filled winter weekend, instead find themselves involved in a game of life and death when the weird creature brandishing an incredibly long penis attacks anything that looks like a vagina. Created when a science project goes terribly wrong, Bunny will stop at nothing in search of a warm place to park his monster appendage. A hilarious spoof of splatter and camp films, Bunny the Killer Thing is unapologetically offensive, as well as hilarious weird and wonderful.

Sky Sharks:

In the Arctic, a team of geologists discover a Nazi warship that was thought to be lost. On that ship, scientists researched top secret, war critical weapons and created the Reichsflughaie: rocket-powered monsters whose pilots are genetically mutated supersoldiers with supernatural powers. Dr. Klaus Richter, the spiritual forefather of this experiment, is forced to stop his deadly army of the undead in order to save humanity and the planet Earth from seemingly certain doom.


Bunny: The Killer Thing:

A group of seven Finnish young adults are heading to have a fun weekend at a cabin in the dark woods of Finland. By chance, three foreign men end up in the same cabin. The men seem to be hiding a secret. The party weekend at the cabin becomes a game for life and death, when suddenly a weird creature attacks from the forest to terrorize the people! The creature is half man, half rabbit, and it is after anything that resembles female genitals. The creature is Bunny the Killer Thing!

Goredrome is a european digital store that specialises in the horror genre and a reseller of movies, book, comics, musics and collectibles. Goredrome is something new and special for the horror community, created by fans for the fans. We ship from within Europe. We are located in Rome, Italy.

Masi killed a baby bunny! The poor little thing was so cute. She caught it and brought it over to play with it when I noticed it was a baby bunny. I picked it up to get it away from her, hoping it would still live. Nope...poor little girl died in my hands. Part of me wants to be proud of her for achieving such a feat but the other part of me, the part of me that held the poor little thing as it died thinks it's so sad. I buried it behind our house. Poor little girl...she was so cute.

Maggie caught a young bunny in a field a few years back - it was still alive when I got her off of it, but it was dead by the time we looped back to where I left it. So as to prevent the death from being in vain, we used the rabbit as a "leave it/drop it" exercise for a bit and then left it by a tree for the other critters to benefit from.

The other day in the dog park, we came across a suicidal chipmunk that leaped out of a tree, missed its foothold on the next one, and landed right in Gypsy's gaping mouth. Gypsy was amazed and soooo proud of herself that she *finally* caught one. It's hard pretending you're not angry for something that's just natural to them.

I had gone back out to feed them and then tie down the tarp for the night, and BAM baby bunny at my feet, it was very cold, and it almost died. Barely moving. I was upset, Bear has been around rabbits since we got her, so I expected better of her. She nearly killed it.

Well, there was definitely more than just that one there today. This afternoon, with the dogs out again, Masi would not leave that area alone so me and my neighbors rounded up the rest of the bunnies to try and relocate them. Unfortunately, without being able to capture mom, we had to let them go again...without relocating they were cute (I'll post pictures tomorrow). Guess I'm gonna have to keep Masi the bunny killer away from that area for a few weeks.

Looks like a ground squirrel? If it is, Mr. Woo can come visit any time he likes, and eat as many as he can hold! I'm pretty fond of critters in general - even the occasional bear in the back yard doesn't bother me - but ground squirrels are just plain evil. They dig up bulbs for the fun of it, take one bite -just enough to kill the poor thing - then leave the rest.

The dogs got a baby gopher a few weeks ago. Solo grabbed it up and mashed it a bit, and then got totally weirded out when it stopped moving and did that sideways backing up and dubious expression thing that dogs do when they're trying to figure something out. Jett took over from there and I was hoping she'd put the little guy out of his misery, but instead she played with the thing like an orca with a baby sea lion. By the time I got her away from it, it was spinning around on its side (kicking one hind leg over and over) and I tried to muster up the gumption to finish it off myself but I just couldn't do it. It was gone when we looped back around, so either it limped off or something else (probably a stray cat) ate it. e24fc04721

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