Nice game but difficult though. I found that for the first couple of levels I could cope with the onslaught but once I start dashing then I seem to constantly be on the run from an ever increasing horde of monsters and death is inevitable...

This is a pretty good top down movement shooter, and is quite impressive for a first game (menu, various effects, particles, etc.) That being said, there's one major problem I seem to be running into, although it may be intended. Within a minute of playtime, there are easily over 50 enemies on screen with so much HP that you cant kill them faster than they spawn. This, coupled with the fungi, means that if you don't get good rolls on your level ups, you could see a game over by sheer numbers in under 2 minutes. I would suggest lowering the spawn rate, or, to give the player a feeling of power, making level ups more effective. Maybe they always fill your HP the rest of the way, or damage output is always an option. The way the game is now is perfectly playable, however, and had me in for a solid half hour.

Bunny Games Free Download

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I do fear that what will put a number of people off is how to get into the swing of things. The balance of play really does need addressing and so much seems to depend on getting lucky options when you level-up

Even though I have beaten this game I confess I still don't understand some of the rules. Shooting a bunny turns it into a fruit which replenishes a heart, but how do I get more hearts and carrots. They seemed to occasionally get added. Also have the walking red diamonds now gone to be replaced by blue diamonds that hurt you?

Regarding the upgrades, personally I found some are totally worthless (what are magic points anyway ? is it dash respawan time?) whilst others are essential. Shuriken, Splash Damage and Attractor seem like the best upgrades (and maybe a 2 or 4-way shooter). Most of the rest ( Carror Parfait, Burger and Cake ) I just don't bother with, but maybe I should?

But this is a really fun game that I keep coming back to. Its a shame that you are at / near your token limit. Maybe just an explanation of the rules would be enough to help. And as a first ever game you should be really proud of this!

It's definietly not an easy game but so far I'm loving it! There are a few ways to build early game and the experimenting is really fun! 1:30 minutes seems like the first diff spike/big wave to me, which I still have to go through! Good work, even more as a first game! Going onto the handheld library for sure!

Is it possiuble to die due to -1 heart upgrades? I'm pretty sure i was far away from everything, had double Ring of Flame and upon selecting the third died instantly. TBH my instict would say that you could not go under 1 Heart with those.

Updated, I removed all -1 heart from upgrades, now you sacrifice only max carrots, move or attack speed. Also made first 2 minutes more chill and added some small stuff. Thanks everyone for suggestions!

The updates are a great! It feels much better and is a nicer ramp up in the challenge. The removal of sacrifice hearts is a really welcomed...I know the worry of "is this too easy" but it gets difficult quick anyway :)

But all that means we can get a little nit pickier ;P On the upgrade pop-up, the pink highlight is incredibly hard to see. Also, I expect the highlight to be on the first item but it looks like it's just highlighting the same slot I picked previously...and because the pink is hard to see, it's frustrating to find the upgrade I'm after. I know...minor but hey, that's what you get when games improve!

Thank you all! I'll fix the upgrade highlight but for now I don't have anything new for the next patch, if anyone have more ideas I can try to add them, you can message me here or on discord uniko#7220 or

@BlueBirdSings : I don't think there is a level cap. Through overuse of the fire crown, I survived the boss wave but didn't actually destroy the bosses. At some point they just vanished, but the game continued. While that was going on, some massive waves of bats spawned, but fried as soon as they came in range of my ring of absurd flames. I ended up at level 33!

Yay, won a round of this! Nice victory music, too. If anyone gets through without a lot of points in Ring of Flame, I'd be fascinated to see what upgrades you use instead. I can see the effect of carrots with Splash Damage, or lots of Shuriken, but never managed to aim either of them well enough.

@unikotoast An idea is for an alternate mode where you get to aim with a mouse, which would make a lot of the moving towards danger to attack better and help with not being exactly aligned for the shot. You might want to change the slimes in the title screen to be blue, like in the actual gameplay.

My strategy is what I call: "Untouchable". You just get lots of fire rings + damage, and then anything near you vaporizes. Fire Dash and Attractor were also S-tiers. Make sure to get plenty of speed boosts, or you'll become too much of a turtle. When you get further on, make sure to get in the direction of bunnies. Their xp shouldn't matter anymore, because heat ring keeps you from touching them directly, but those fruits will heal you.

Bad synergies, avoid them:

explosion + shurikens, they are weak at first levels so you must concentrate on upgrading only one.

explosion + piercing, carrot will go through the enemy and explode too far.

Have you ever gotten in an argument over whether that furry animal with floppy ears is a bunny vs. rabbit? People often use the words "bunny" and "rabbit" interchangeably when referring to the cute creatures within the family Leporidae. But are they really the same thing?

Yes! As it turns out, both terms are correct since they are just different names for the same animal. The term "bunny" is more colloquial and informal, while the word "rabbit" is more scientific and formal. Read on for more clarification when it comes to which name you should use when.

You can trace the origin of the term "bunny" back to the historical use of "bun" as a simple and even cute way of referring to a rabbit. Over time, this endearing nickname became widely adopted, especially when referring to a young rabbit or a small or baby rabbit.

Despite the informal nature of "bunny," both terms accurately describe the same animal. (This means that, yes, a person can just as easily call the Easter bunny the Easter rabbit!) Some people might even use both terms at once, declaring the animal a "bunny rabbit" or a "rabbit bunny."

While the word "rabbit" is the more scientifically recognized term, "bunny" can convey a sense of endearment for the playful and cute qualities of baby rabbits. If you're struggling to decide between "rabbit" or "bunny," just know that it's really up to your personal preference and the context.

The word "rabbit" may be more appropriate for formal settings; however, in everyday language and popular culture, people continue to use "bunny" to convey a sense of affection for these lovable creatures.

Rabbits are small mammals belonging to the scientific family Leporidae and are known for their soft fur, long ears, short tails and hopping behaviors. Rabbit coats can be a single color or a mix of white, black, brown, tan or cream, and the animals can vary in size.

Rabbits live with their young underground or under another type of protective cover, and are herbivorous animals, primarily feeding on grass and other vegetation. Their large ears help them detect predators, while their powerful back legs allow them to escape danger quickly.

Wild rabbits form social communities known as warrens, consisting of a dominant male (a buck), a dominant female (a doe), and their baby rabbits. Female rabbits within the same family often share burrows and exhibit other cooperative behaviors.

Rabbits have evolved to have very rapid reproductive cycles to better ensure the survival of their species. Unlike some mammals, rabbits exhibit induced ovulation, where mating stimulates the release of eggs.

Rabbits also exhibit a phenomenon called "superfetation," which means female rabbits are capable of conceiving again shortly after giving birth. Following a gestation period of approximately 30 days, female rabbits will give birth to a litter of baby rabbits, called kittens or kits.

Rabbit kittens are born blind and rely wholly on their mother's care. Until they can see, these kits must rely on their keen senses and other family members for survival. For example, the mother rabbit nurses her offspring, providing essential nutrients for their growth and development.

Rabbits like the brush rabbit, however, prefer dense vegetation for concealment. These diverse adaptations, ranging from their fur color to their body size, contribute to rabbits' success across different ecosystems.

Rabbit coats consist of two types of hair: guard hairs and the soft undercoat, also known as the "down." The guard hairs provide protection and structure, while the down offers insulation. Because it's so soft, with a velvety texture, rabbit fur is a material in many different clothing items, like hats, gloves and scarves.

That said, the use of rabbit fur continues to spark debates about ethical considerations and animal welfare (don't get us started on the "lucky" rabbit's foot), and has led to increased advocacy for cruelty-free and synthetic alternatives throughout the fashion industry.

Hares are generally larger in size, with longer legs and ears that feature distinctive black markings. They often have a scruffier appearance, too, thanks to their fur, which blends into the surroundings of their open habitats, such as in fields and meadows.

The animals' offspring also set them apart: Hare kittens are born fully furred and mobile, while rabbit kits are born hairless and dependent. Additionally, hares are known for their powerful hind legs, which enable swift running, whereas rabbits rely on their agility and shorter quick movements.

Rabbits make popular and affectionate pets, offering both companionship and entertainment. People longing for a specific type of pet rabbit have even selectively bred some domesticated rabbit breeds, like the Dutch or Mini Lop, for particular traits, such as size, color, or temperament. 152ee80cbc

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