I have a list of 200 hyperlinks saved on a spreadsheet. Those links are for files (particularly Google Slides files) all saved in Google Drive. They are scattered in sub folders under the same root folder that has ~1500 files

From the number of hyperlinks, I thought that in this case, the batch request might be useful for your situation. When the batch request is used, the process cost will become low because the batch request is run with the asynchronous process. So, in this answer, I would like to propose to copy the files of 200 hyperlinks using the batch request. The sample script is as follows.

Bulk Download Google Drive Links

Download Zip 🔥 https://cinurl.com/2y2Gjx 🔥

Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of your Google Spreadsheet including 200 hyperlinks like _ID. This script used Drive API. So, before you use this script, please enable Drive API at Advanced Google services. And, run the function "myFunction".

The snippet above is retrieving the sheet where the links are stored and then by making use of the getRange and getValue methods it retrieves the value from the B1 cell (assuming that the ids of the files will be in the B column after REGEXEXTRACT).

I've succeeded in making a copy of our training folder (using ericyd's gdrive-copy), and we're happily working away on that, BUT... the files are fairly heavily cross-linked. The Slides, for instance, will have links to the Docs handouts and PDF assignments associated with that lesson. When I made a copy of the whole folder structure, the files copied over, but the links are still all linked to the original files, when in fact what we want is for them to be linked to their respective copies.

This makes sense - obviously, when you make a copy of a file, you usually don't want to changes its contents at the same time. However, when you're making an archive of a whole folder, ideally you'd like the links within the files to update as well.

I know this is a rather old topic, but I recently ran into similar situation that I needed to solve. In my searching, this is the only reference I could find referring to cross-linking as a result of duplication. Unfortunately, I was not able to come up with a purely automated solution, but through a bit of ingenuity I was able to reduce the number of steps required to update my hyperlinks to reference the duplicated files rather than the originals.

Next, in the Google Sheet that I have my hyperlinks to my documents, I created an additional Tab also called URL LIST, and in A1 added an IMPORTRANGE() to import the URL LIST contents. Once you're done with all of this, you will only have to update this one reference with each copy you make, thus dramatically reducing the number of updates you'll need to make, i.e. IMPORTRANGE() points at a specific URL, so each newly generated URL LIST will have a new URL that the copied document containing your hyperlinks and IMPORTRANGE() will need to point to. Hopefully, that makes sense.

Next, your hyperlinks will need a formula along the lines of =HYPERLINK(VLOOKUP(A1,'URL LIST'!$A$1:$B$10,2,FALSE) to grab the imported URL's. It's important to make sure you that you indicate that the look up range is not sorted, or FALSE, because the order that the script spits out the document list with URL's may change depending on how the folder is sorted at the time of running the script, and will ensure you don't need the list sorted. You can then copy the formula to each cell that you need a hyperlink.

Hi! I actually went through the whole exercise of building the spreadsheets and didn't even bother with the test. I have 33 accounts FB IG and 1 Twitter account for the client so the process of building the sheet took as long as entering them in manually! Sadly, with the answer of my images needing to be uploaded into Hubspot (rather than google drive) the option no longer made sense for me. Good luck!

Hello, I agree the documentation is lacking the small details. Testing a small file is probably the best option. So far, I just want to verify emojis and also where the photo link URL comes from. Currently all of my files go into a Google drive from my designer, so if I can keep them there and upload, that would be ideal. The upload to Hubspot may just be an extra step that tips the scales to being better off uploading my posts manually! Thank you!!

It would be great if you could provide more information about your goal with tags for businesses: do you wish to tag social media accounts of different companies in your social media posts and pull in those tags via a bulk upload? If yes - this should be possible if you include the link of the tag in your upload file:

As the title suggests, I'm currently working on a project where I have to load the blueprint image files into a sheet for everything we need to produce in a day. The issue here is that it seems that the images cant show up in google sheets unless it has its sharing permissions in Google Drive set to anyone with a link can view. Normally this isn't an issue since all I would have to do is set permissions for all the blueprints, but since we have over 6000 blueprints in the folder, doing this manually would be more than a bit tedious, so I'd like a way to automate or do this in bulk with a script.

Short.io has launched a built-in feature of bulk shortening links using Google Spreadsheet. This lets avoid creating mass of short links manually. Use bulk shortening with a Google Spreadsheet if you have a document with a list of long links. You need to import a .csv file to a sheet and create short links.

With Short.io API, you can shorten up to 1000 links in one API call. You can create 5 requests per 10 seconds (1 request = 1000 URLs). This is necessary when you have to shorten a package of long URLs.

It works almost the same as a single link creation endpoint, but it accepts an array of URLs and returns an array of responses back. If any URL fails to be inserted, it turns an error object back as an array element. The method is not transactional. It can add some links from the list and return an error for others.

There are many ways to create a hyperlink in Excel. To link to a certain web page, you can simply type its URL in a cell, hit Enter, and Microsoft Excel will automatically convert the entry into a clickable hyperlink. To link to another worksheet or a specific location in another Excel file, you can use the Hyperlink context menu or Ctrl + K shortcut. If you plan to insert many identical or similar links, the fastest way is to use a Hyperlink formula, which makes it easier to create, copy and edit hyperlinks in Excel.

Link_location can be supplied as a reference to a cell containing the link or a text string enclosed in quotation marks that contains a path to a file stored on a local drive, UNC path on a server, or URL on the Internet or intranet.

When you move the files, the relative hyperlink will continue working as long as the relative path to the target workbook remains unchanged. For more information, please see Absolute and relative hyperlinks in Excel.

Hyperlink to a named rangeIf you are making a hyperlink to a worksheet-level name, include the full path to the target name:

=HYPERLINK("[D:\Excel files\Book1.xlsx]Source_data","Source data")

Hyperlink to open a file stored on a hard disk driveTo create a link that will open another document, specify the full path to that document in this format:

=HYPERLINK("[D:\Word files\Price list.docx]Subscription_prices","Price list")

Hyperlink to a file on a network driveTo open a file stored in your local network, supply the path to that file in the Universal Naming Convention format (UNC) that uses double backslashes to precede the name of the server, like this:

Note. Please notice the use of absolute cell references to fix the lookup and return ranges. This is critical if you plan to insert more than one hyperlink by copying the formula.How to edit multiple hyperlinks at a timeAs mentioned in the beginning of this tutorial, one of the most useful benefits of formula-driven hyperlinks is the ability to edit multiple Hyperlink formulas in one go by using Excel's Replace All feature.

Let's say you want to replace the old URL of your company (old-website.com) with the new one (new-website.com) in all hyperlinks on the current sheet or in the entire workbook. To have it done, please follow the steps outlined below:

Typically, such errors occur when friendly_name is returned by some other function(s), like in our Vlookup and hyperlink to the first match example. In this case, the #N/A error will show up in the formula cell if the lookup value is not found within the lookup table. To prevent such errors, you may consider using the IFERROR function to display an empty string or some user-friendly text instead of the error value.This is how you create hyperlinks using the Excel HYPERLINK function. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week!

Excel Hyperlink formula examples (.xlsx file)

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