
. Building Social Business by Muhammad Yunus

Nobel laureate's work explains how young entrepreneurs can both serve their and the society's interests by creating businesses that have social purposes.

. The Citizen's Share by Blasi et alia

A wonderful treatise that examines the ways worker-owned businesses, cooperatives and profit-sharing reduce inequities promoted by capitalism today.

. Capitalism and Freedom by Thomas Friedman

1962 classic on the libertarian vision of the economy. Based on his experiences as a victim of Nazism, Nobel-winning Thomas Friedman provides a cycnical warning of the potential dangers of giving government a central role in the economy, and explains his famous quote "A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither".

. The New Economics by Boyle and Simms

Thought provoking treatise about why we should evaluate our economic performance by the wellbeing rather than incomes of our people.

. Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely

A well-popularized book in behavioral economics that highlights how and why economic actors deviate from rational decisions in practical life. Provides good lessons for us to be wary of various psychological pitfalls and avoid them to make better decisions.

. The Affluent Society by John K. Galbraith

A 1958 book widely considered to be one of the greatest non-fiction books of the 20th Century. It underlines the challenges associated with the type of economic growth that relied on the flourishing of the private sector to the expense of a slighted public sector in post-WW2 America. 

. Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

Great primer that explains various economic systems with incentives they create. Author has been a celebrated contributor to conservative approach to economics.


. The Economist. Liberal weekly. Link

. Yes! Magazine. Communitarian quarterly. Link

. Associated Press. Non-partisan news wire. Link


. The Age of Uncertainty (1977). TV miniseries hosted by one of the greatest economists of the 20th Century, John Kenneth Galbraith. Overviews economic history from the progressive perspective. Link 

. Free to Choose (1980). TV miniseries hosted by a great teacher Milton Friedman. Explains laissez faire vision of the economy. Link

. Four Horsemen (2012). Critical observers point to neoliberal economics as the root cause of various malfunctions in American political economy today. Link 

. The Flaw (2010). Story of the second most colossal economic history in the US history, the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Link

. Steve Jobs: One Last Thing  (2011). Apple's cofounder, Steve Job's remarkable career. Check it out with these questions in mind: 1) Given that Jobs was not often the engineer behind his companies' products, what skills he had could have led him to be called "the greatest creator of the late 20th Century?" 2) In a lesser-known interview shown in the documentary, Jobs utters this phrase: "Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than. You can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use". How could this mindset have helped Jobs in his career?  Link