Get Involved
Become a member
Join our Google Classroom (only accessible through Bloomfield server) using the following code: u332x45
Attend our meetings every Monday in room 403 (Mr. Stibitz's room)
Pay the $15 dues
Regularly attend and participate in our fundraising and service activities
New Member Information
Fill out this Contact Information Form if you would like to join and we will be in touch with you soon!
Contact any board member (see contact tab) if you have questions about builOn and/or how to become a member
Stay up to date with our chapters schedule!
We meet every Monday from 2:45-3:05
Read the meeting minutes after each meeting to catch up on what you missed and to sign up for events
View the buildOn calendar to see when events are and when to sign up
View Quick Links to gain easy access to important information/links regarding our chapter