Expectation Clarity Tool

From the CCSF-UCSF Inclusive Mentoring Fellows Program

Our team's publication outlining utilization and impact of this tool: A tool for clarifying expectations in undergraduate research experiences

Work-based Learning Problem/Challenge

Expectation Clarity Tool

Benefits of Implementation

Expectation Clarity Tool - Implementation/Procedure Outline

Inclusive practices require intentionality and design. We've employed the following activities with this tool to foster articulation and discussion of transparent expectations between mentor and mentee.

We find that it's important to implement this tool before 25% of the URE/WBL experience is complete in order for mentors and mentees to effectively use the tool throughout the majority of the URE/WBL experience. 

Example of Clear Expectations for a Biotechnology Community College Intern

Preliminary Results for Implementation of the Expectation Clarity Tool

At the end of the internship mentors and interns in the CCSF Bioscience Internship were asked to report on their experiences with the Expectation Clarity Tool (aka Mentor Expectation Spreadsheet). Data collected from 2 mentor-intern cohorts (Spring 2020 and 2021).

Expectation Clarity Tool - ATE PI Conference Presentation 2022 - slides.pdf

Slide deck from our 2022 ATE PI Conference presentation.

Interested in formattable/fillable tools, worksheets, and slide decks? Please reach out through our Resources Request Form.

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