Building a Training Plan: Backward Design from Expectations

From the Inclusive Research Mentor-Manager Training: Module 5 - Teach/train and delegate: Using best practices to train your diverse team

Building a Training Plan - Backward Design from Expectations.pdf

Watch our HI-TEC 2020 presentation: Engaging Industry: Promoting Equity, Access & Inclusivity for Increased Retention and Productivity starting at 9 min 40 sec to see a description of how backward design has been utilized at CCSF with Biotechnology community college students in work-based learning/internships.

Building a Training Plan: Example & Template

Mentor Expectations Spreadsheet Training Plan - Example.pdf

This example comes directly from our framework for inclusive supervision - 2020 JMBE Publication: The Supervisory Role of Life Science Research Faculty: The Missing Link to Diversifying the Academic Workforce?

Mentor Expectations Spreadsheet Training Plan - Template.pdf

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