6 Stages of Negotiation

From the Workplace Navigation Training

6 Stages of Negotiation.pdf

Negotiation Prep: Framework & Examples

Multipage document outlining how to prep for a variety of negotiations-conversations with sample language.

Negotiation - Preparation Framework and Examples.pdf

Negotiation Articulate: "Opener" Examples

Multipage document with sample language for "openers" to begin a negotiation-conversation with your mentor-manager.

Negotiation Articulate - Opener Examples.pdf

Negotiation Discuss: Language for Gathering More Data

If you're in the middle of your conversation-negotiation and you get a "no" or don't understand what is being stated - gather more data.

Tip: Have your "go to" data gathering phrase/question ready to go before you start the negotiation.

Pick your 1-3 phrases to gather your data.pdf

Interested in formattable/fillable tools, worksheets, and slide decks? Please reach out through our Resources Request Form.

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