Let's Talk Grading!

Join the conversation around equity and grading!

With a focus on 4-point and single point rubrics to assess 3D learning.

What is Equity?

Equality vs Equity by MPCA Photos Flickr

"Educational equity is a measure of achievement, fairness and opportunity in education. Equity recognizes that some are at a larger disadvantage than others and aims at compensating for these peoples misfortunes and disabilities to ensure that everyone can attain the same type of healthy lifestyle." ~Educational Equity, Wikipedia

"The equity is at the student level rather than the demographic level because demographics only exist on paper. Every student experiences commonality and difference -- what's shared (a student needing knowledge) and what's distinct (urban, rural, white, black, male, female)." ~ Equity in Education: Where to Begin, Edutopia

"Equity in education requires putting systems in place to ensure that every child has an equal chance for success. That requires understanding the unique challenges and barriers faced by individual students or by populations of students and providing additional supports to help them overcome those barriers." ~ Equity in Education: What is Is and Why it Matters, Thinking Maps

"Students are treated ‘equitably’ when their unequal starting points are acknowledged and when attempts are made to differentially meet individual needs. Rather than expecting all students to reach the same point in their learning at the same time, every student is expected to make excellent progress in their learning, regardless of their starting point." ~ What is 'equity in education?- Teacher Magazine ACER.org

Before you begin this conversation with others, you may want to check out the book Grading For Equity. It helps to provide context about the history of the traditional grading system and how we can shift to make grading more equitable. https://gradingforequity.org/