“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty” 

This is the sort of quote that comes to mind when thinking about making exercise a habit.

This is the sort of quote that comes to mind when thinking about making exercise a habit.

It’s something that is so worth doing, as it provides so many benefits in many aspects of our lives but it is also something that, at first, can be pretty hard.

Exercise is the kind of habit that almost everyone can benefit from. That’s why we put together the 5 most effective steps you can take to add this life-changing habit into your daily routine.

1. Create a habit of starting

The whole process of convincing yourself to workout can be exhausting in itself. Often we spend 10 minutes debating whether or not we should work out before we even start getting dressed (or end up skipping the workout).

However, by making the process of starting easier, you’re way more likely to workout consistently.

How can you do this?

Make a habit of starting.

For example, if you want to include morning workouts into your daily routine you could do the following:

2. Make exercise non-negotiable

Most of the time, we start off strong with a new habit but as soon as we say “no” to a day, this leads us to skip the next day, and the next one, and so on. So this time, just don’t give yourself the option to say no anymore.

Pick a day where you cannot say no to exercise no matter what. You can start with just 1 day a week where you always exercise. Then after a month of this, make it 2 days when you always exercise, until you build up to the amount of days you wan

Action step:

Pick 1 day for the next 4 few weeks where you CANNOT say no to your workout. At the end of the 4 weeks, if you’re ready, add another day.

3. Take it in two’s

When you’re really not feeling it, here is your back up plan:

The 2-minute rule.

Physics states that those things which are already still, stay still. While those things which are already moving will continue moving. You can apply this concept to your daily life.

By starting something for 2 minutes, it’s likely that you will keep on moving.

The 2-minute rule encourages you to focus on doing something related to your habit for just two minutes. This could mean telling yourself to spend two minutes to get out of bed and put on your training gear.

By committing to a small 2 minutes you will be “getting the ball rolling” on your habit, meaning you are more likely to keep on moving.

Many times, a 2-minute start is enough to pump up the motivation inside you to finish the task. On the days where it’s not though, that’s fine! Small steps. Still see it as a success.

Action step:

Decide on what your 2-minute habit is. This could be the same as your “starting-exercise-habit” discussed in point 1. Write it out, on your phone or wherever, and commit to doing it every day at the same time.

Take it 2 weeks at a time

Compare these two goals:

“I will work out 5 days a week from now until forever”


“I will work out 5 days a week for just two more weeks”

Obviously the second one sounds way more doable and motivating. The first one, although we might not ever actually say those words explicitly, is something we often imply to ourselves when thinking of committing to a workout routine.

Instead of thinking that you will have to do this forever, tell yourself “I only have to do this for two weeks”. Once you’ve committed to 2 weeks 4 times, you’re likely to have already made it a habit.

A great way to track this and stay inspired is by grabbing a calendar and highlighting the day 2 weeks from now. Cross off each day you do work out on the calendar for these two weeks.

4. Quiet down the excuses

One of the main reasons we fail to exercise when the time comes is because our brain is SO FULL of excuses that we just start to believe we cannot do it. A great way to deal with this is to drown out the excuses with some music that you LOVE or a motivational speech. 

Action step:

The night before, load your choice of inspiring sounds or music onto your phone. You can even choose a motivational speech. When you wake up, set it up and press play. Listen to this while you’re getting ready to go workout.

5. Write your exercise habit out

The British Journal of Health Psychology found that 91% of people who wrote down exactly when and where they would exercise, ended up actually sticking to their new habit the following week. This technique is called implementation intentions. By deciding and writing down exactly where and when you plan on completing the habit, you’ll be far more likely to follow through then if you simply wrote down the habit itself. 

Action Step:

Try writing this simple, yet powerful sentence:

During the next week, I will exercise on (day) at (time of day) at/in (this location).

Fill in the blanks for the above sentence and write it out (on paper).  This way, you’ll know ahead of time what your plan of action is, reducing the chance of you bailing on your new goal.

Make exercise a habit with us!

Each of the steps above stick to the main principle of this post: start small. By starting small you will 100% achieve that amazing goal you have set out in your mind. Remember, you got this!

Require a push in the right direction? We understand that starting off can be a little tough. Our world class personal trainers can help you get on the right track and give you plenty of motivation to achieve your fitness goals!

Get in touch with one of our friendly Crunch family members, and we can help you get started today.



While many traders enter the stock market, many cannot acquire and sell profitable stocks due to a lack of fundamental stock market understanding, resulting in huge losses. Investing in the stock market takes a lot of time, skill, and effort; the 20-Minute Trader program helps users become better stock traders and increase their rate of profitable earnings. This program teaches traders new skills and techniques that will help them improve in trading investment, 


Jeremy Russell created the 20-Minute Trader course. In 2019, he accidentally began the 20-Minute Trader program after noticing a consistent and predictable pattern in the stock market. He taught others how to use the system so that everyone may benefit. Since then, he's helped many individuals confidently trade options in the first twenty minutes of the market opening. In today's shark-infested stock market waters, his approaches provide the confidence, and edge people seek. He is the CEO of three firms increasing in value every few months as this field becomes more popular.

He is a business consultant, pencil artist, and novelist, in addition to being an expert on the 20-Minute Trader options strategy.

The 20-Minute Trader is a new approach to gaining a competitive advantage in the stock market. It employs well-known patterns and trades in a matter of minutes, making buying cheap and selling easier and faster. It uses call options, an abstract financial product that the 20-Minute Trader master class makes easy to understand. Its success is dependent on being more accurate than incorrect pattern predictions.

The 20-Minute Trader course teaches how to spot a pattern in the stock market when a stock's price falls and rises at around the same time and in minutes daily. It allows you to buy options at the bottom of the market and sell them as it rises, resulting in regular successful deals. This approach enables novices to design strategies in a short amount of time that yield quick profits. The information is provided in clear instructions with no jargon and top customer service for any questions. These courses offer an essential and enjoyable grasp of the stock market and how to identify and trade an accurate daily pattern. It also provides stock option instructions.

The 20-Minute Trader program is the most valuable and knowledge-based curriculum for stock market investors. The program consists of various programs and courses that allow participants to gain experience and learn new skills. It not only provides essential information, but it also offers several advanced courses. The program will assist people who invest in the stock market through numerous lectures and courses to find stock patterns and profit. Traders gain the most information and expertise by focusing on price swings daily.

he 20-Minute Trader is presented in video tutorials. It consists of twenty-eight lessons, which total up to three and a half hours of video lessons. Each class talks about something different; thus, it is not monotonous and engages users with the discussed topic. The video tutorials are done in simple language to make anyone understand what is being said for easier implementation. 

The 20-Minute Trader can be used by anyone who wishes to make more profits from trading. Beginners can use it in stock market investment and those who have been in the field for some time but failed to secure encouraging profits. Anybody interested can learn from the program if they register and show dedication to learning and implementing the information. Stock traders and investors have a lot to learn from this course; it offers basic, complex, and even definitions of terms. This is the right guide if you are interested in knowing more about stock trading investment. 

The program will teach you how to isolate a stock motion in which the share price lowers and rises in a U or J shape. The 20-Minute Trader works by teaching one how to spot a pattern in the stock market when stock prices fall and when they arise. Knowing the exact time this happens enables one to establish a way where they can carry out profitable trading at the same time and in minutes daily.

The 20-Minute Trader complete package consists of;

The 20-Minute Trader enables you to get;

The 20-Minute Trader program is beneficial to users as;

Thousands of people have used the 20-Minute Trader strategy to make successful, profitable trading investments. Every stockholder registered in the program has reaped significant benefits, as they have been guided to invest in the stock market to earn a profit. It is a tested and proven system that assures excellent results, including increased yield and more insight into the stock market. Testimonials from users of the 20-Minute Trader options concur that the program is rewarding, efficient, and reliable. Therefore, it is a trustworthy program that gives one the desired results.